
Here we come 🚀🚀🚀

  • 1
    Where do you find that ?
  • 1
    @Orionss it's everywhere now man
  • 21
    I call hoax
    There’s no way ISPs in Australia will go down to those prices 😂
  • 6
    after 5G mobile it will be satellite based connections and only global companies gonna survive.
  • 4
    @C0D4 wow a new planet Australia arrived yet?
  • 0
    @OrionZA Facebook
  • 2
    @heyheni Elon is all about the masses brov, he can make things happen
  • 3
    @C0D4 Neither Germany will 😂
  • 14
    Since it takes light about 8 minutes to travel from the sun to earth, I don't think unlimited phone calls to the other side of the galaxy is going to be very useful. Unless Elon has found a way to transfer data faster than the speed of light.
  • 8
    $29 for 10Gbit?
    I call bullshit
  • 0
    Source? 😁
  • 2
    @Olverine 8 minutes!!!
    Fark i would hate to be at the other end of a call on my current speeds then. Probably 1-2 years of delay 😂

    On the off chance this is actually true, I googled and maybe it’s real?? I’m signing up day 1 if it can go 1kbps faster then my current shit at those prices 😍
  • 5
    In Australia, you'd be lucky to get 500Kbs for $100/mo.
  • 1
    @Linux 10k mb/sec for $29.99/mo. Do the math, pretty nice to me
  • 2
    I can fucking count.
    The prices will not stay there, musk is too optimistic as always. Take that with a truckload of salt because those prices is not going to be a reality.
  • 1
    By sending up over 4k satelites into low earth orbit and possible make it alot more dangerous to fly up there in the future?
    And yes, getting 100Mbit for $29 or even 10Mbit for that price is still good compared to prices in for example australia or island nations in the pacific.

    Still, I will be a skeptic as always when Elon says something.
  • 4
    @Linux If it was off by a factor of 100 and we'd only get 100Mbits for $29 it would still be a far better deal than what I have right now.

    I also don't believe in these insane numbers, but competing against the ISPs in some countries won't be hard.

    I mean we're talking about companies who offer internet connections labeled "FiberPower" and then have to admit it's just a name and doesn't have anything to do with fiber, and that the prices on their website aren't great but just exclude some costs.
  • 0
    @Linux communication satellites are typically in geosynchronous orbit, which is really far up.
  • 3
    That is not what spacex is planning to place their satelites.
  • 3
    @Linux sounds like Elon.
  • 0
    @Olverine he probably has tho
  • 1
    @hyperlisk if anyone can, it's Elon!
  • 0
    Link. I dont find it.
  • 1
    @bcye it's just a meme
  • 1
    ...but there are several companies working on worldwide high speed satelite internet.
  • 2
    I don't quite understand... 1.000.000 Mbit/s

    Isn't that a Terabit/s??
  • 2
    @HAlex 🤤 yes it is
  • 1
    BS, companies are way too greedy for this to ever be a thing unless they are doing something else behind the scenes...
  • 0
    When was this announced and why didn't I hear about it? I need to watch the video
  • 1

    But I can't seem to find where the picture he posted came from. Or the prices. Probably just a clever meme. It is happening though.
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