
There is so much fuzz about AI and fear of missing out on the leaving AI train, but as a dev I have no clue about where at all to get started!?

What can we developers do with AI?

OK, I can get some code for free. I can use a LLM as a half smart search engine. I can integrate my product with some AI service. I can produce content to teach said things to others...

Nothing new, really, just another API or another search engine.

It is of course possible to start to make some neural networks, but I can't really picture that as a high demand skill, do you?
Maybe at some of the big companies, but for an average client?

Does anyone know what kind of knowledge of AI that a developer should really learn?
Especially something a client would be interested in?

Here is a potato for scale:

  • 7
    What's up with all the potatoes with buds suddenly?
  • 6
    @ScriptCoded I guess today is potato day
  • 1
    @ScriptCoded I don't know, but I am playing a highly modified Skyrim modlist someone else made. I started doing quests to rough people up for the Companions. The first dude I rough up is a dude growing weed outside Whiterun. I stole a bunch of buds off his farm. When you said "bud" I thought about that dude.
  • 4
    @ScriptCoded Here it is time for putting them taters in the ground. Did half of those I have planned already...
  • 3
    Choose an AI vendor, and specialize in using their products. Then sell that, "I am a chatGPT engineer.". Yes, void af. Welcome to the hype market.
    Have you heard of "prompt engineers"? Something like that but serious.
  • 0
    .. Genuinely thought this was a rate my setup post
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