
What to do with money beyond living expense

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    Generate value for shareholders
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    @iiii genuinely anyone has any experience with that? I feel it's just morally wrong.
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    give it to me.
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    @iiii But if you're into that sort of thing, then arguably it's a living expense.
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    @kanyewest i don't have experience, but i don't see that as morally wrong.
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    @donkulator fair point XD
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    @iiii I want to try it, I mean, like with 3 girls simultaneously. It's one of my bucket lists.
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    @kanyewest just make sure your wife is okay with it.
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    @kanyewest as Tom Hanks put it... Crowded
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    Alright, that just sounds impossible.

    I mean how?
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    if you don't like hookers there's always dope
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    Real estate.
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    Actually pay for your hobby project website hosting instead of that shitty free tier
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    impulse buying more fruits and vegetables

    buying hardware to mess with

    buying plants and seeds, soil, pots

    furniture, clothes

    I buy like 1 video game a year
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    If you have already secured your retirement (as I hopefully will in 2 years time), then, just do anything you want.

    If it's hookers, as long as they are free workers, and not product of human trafficking, go ahead.

    Go travel, buy playthings, enjoy.

    I know that's what I will do. And maybe the hookers too. Too burnt last time to even consider a relationship anymore.
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    i need this problem
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    Strategic saving and acquiring of comfort
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    Buy things you will need after the inevitable collapse of society, like water filters. Or cool experiences you can enjoy before such collapse. Like a month in an all-inclusive resort in the Caribbean or hand gliding. I heard good things about ballooning in the savanna.
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    @kanyewest same. But no desire to try several at once.
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