
So, ranters and rantees, what's your Raspberry Pi doing right now?

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    mine waiting for arriving in this world. inshort I dont have one and I use N900 as one
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    which of those 36 ones?
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    Im preparing it as a webserver, and I'd like to use it as a home dev server for some time xD
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    Mine is still in the packaging sonics I got it in the pi mag one day I'll get around to using it ... One day
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    2 Tor nodes, 1 door locking system with rfid tags, 2 live streaming cameras, 1 local chat system
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    Collecting dust.
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    Unplugged right in front of me because I can't connect it to the network at where I work.
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    @psion1369 Welcome to the club.
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    I have one on my work bench. It serves as physical reminder of how I never finish anything.
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    Its connected with my 3d printer and runs a virtual here server, so I can print what ever I want from any device with a virtual here client.
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    Bitcoin trade bot.
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    @sheffters How does a system like that work?
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    @kevbost It's a python bot monitoring markets and trading. Been developing it for a few years now as a hobby. Essentially trades alt coins with Bitcoin based on what I've learned from watching the markets.
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    @sheffters Very cool, opensource?
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    mine is just chilling on the desk. half wired up to one of those WiFi IOT chips. if only it was edible...
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    @kevbost haha not a chance!
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    Chillin' in a store, somewhere worldwide... :'(
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    One acting as a Homebrew hub for WeMo HomeKit integration, the other running RetroPi.
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    About to be installed in my Kawasaki.
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    @fyroc ?! to do what ?!
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    In transit, making me anxious to receive my first so I can write sweet, sweet code into it.
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    @kevbost navigation, camera, music, LEDs, Bluetooth communication, all controlled via touch screen. I'm just needing to think of ways to waterproof it and have the touchscreen be quick detached. My motorcycle already has a USB port for charging so the power supply is done. The only other feature I'd like is an email notification once the bike leaves WiFi as a security measure.
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    @fyroc <that is so cool>
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    @baconface This wad totally me. Arduinos, sensors, Raspberry, all above my desk waiting for me to give up and throw them away.
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    I wanted to make a home server with node, MySQL, etc, but it's easier to use a free hosting online, which also gives me a domain name to use. win Win.
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    RetroPie running my arcade machine in the man cave
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    Mine exist as overly complicated (and impractical) 120v outlet timers.
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    I have three. They are all mothballed. :-/
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    @adamstirtan so jelly right now.
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    Mine is listening for wake-on-lan commands through SSH, so I can turn on everything at home, should the need arise.
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    Collecting dust as a kudi home entertainment system. I still want to write a crunchyroll plugin for it...
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    It is playing around with my arduino and giving alarms when colleges put dirty cups in the sink instead of the dishwasher.
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    sitting in the wishlist
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    CO2 & temp monitor in the office with alarms pushed to slack & hipchat
    (thanks to https://github.com/wooga/...)
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    My own one is just an IRC bouncer, but the one we set up at the hackerspace? It's a Raspberry Pi 3, which shows an information dashboard on a monitor, hosts an API for various environmental sensors in the room, hosts our IRC and Telegram bots, autouploads photos from our camera to Flickr, hosts a database and web-interface where everyone manages their credit (for buying drinks from the fridge!), streams music to the stereo, and drives a strip of RGB LEDs in the ceiling. It also forwards certain sensor data through a VPN to the outside world where our website is hosted.

    Even worse, this was all done on an original Raspberry Pi 1 before we upgraded it to a 3!
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    Mine doesn't perform complex tasks. Every morning she sends me an email and gives me the current and firecast weather of my city (Como) and one I should go for work (Milan) +warning about possible train delays :)
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    I have to update, which of my 70
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