
Fuck dates and fuck date manipulation. Even when I think I get it right, I don't

  • 2
    Dates are joyous
  • 1
    It's great when you have a database that has two different columns for different date formats 😅 I just think...why?
  • 1
    Or even better. A database that stores dates in some tables as MM/dd/yyyy, and some as dd/MM/yyyy 😱
  • 4
    I haven't been on one in months... count yourself lucky!!
  • 8
    Nevermind dates. Fuck timezones.
  • 0
    Being based in the uk I think everything date wise should be Utc. It annoys e the way that visual studio display dates in watched variables.
  • 1
    I just turn all dates into time in seconds from 1970 January. this makes it easy to do math on the dates or combine to dates to get a diffrence.
  • 2
    I just had a task the other day to build a carousel scheduler. All the dates had to be in EST not just EST but EST US. Anyways, thought it was going to be a piece of cake. NOPE. Was super annoying.
  • 4
    Dates and timezones are the worst. We have a global enterprise but store all dates in PT. Not even PST so it changes from -7 to -8 UTC depending on what part of the year a record was created. I spent so much time on dates for a while that I was dubbed "the timelord" for a while. The cool nickname was not worth the headache.
  • 5
    Funny it goes on both types of dates , the programming as well as the socializing types
  • 2
    fuck the US date format. mm/dd/yy is the equivalent of doing countdown by saying "2, 1, 3"
  • 0
    Unix time stamp for the win!
  • 1
    Time since epoch, and/or frameworks that have tackled this problem for you are your friend. No need to reinvent the wheel.
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