
Strippin' and renovatin' my kitchen,
Finding skeletons in the walls,
They drilled right through powered wire,
When central heating was installed.

3 more screw-pierced wires
Hiding behind the dry-wall,
how the hell was this certified?

  • 4
    That's why I try to do it all myself...

    Of all the times I've allowed someone else to do the job, only once it was done properly.


    Whether by an accident or skill I can't tell.
  • 4
    I'm surprised the guys who did this have not turned into skeletons...
  • 2
    That‘s why we bought a house from 1964 without any remodel, drywall, or foam but with stones and plaster. Now I do almost everything my own using ecologically friendly materials.
  • 3
    lol only like a mild fire hazard…
  • 1
    @netikras so 1 of 1?
  • 1
    @KDSBest 1 of 6, at least now I can remember 6 of them
  • 0
    @lastNick hah, gaaay

    No, but honestly, a bit jealous.
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