
Work computer is a Lenovo laptop, 20GB of RAM, i7. Still overheating and lagging……interesting 🤔

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    Dirty inside? I have to vacuum out my laptop periodically.
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    What's the cpu? What's the laptop?
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    @Demolishun this isn’t the reality we should be living in.
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    @netikras it’s an E15 that’s why I give it some grace when it’s acting up.
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    @DreEleven almost everything requires maintenance. I have to clean the oils off my phone. I have to take showers. I have to clean my desk.
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    @Demolishun I do the same along with whipping down my Mac with a microfiber cloth from time to time so the finger print oils don’t set in. My issue isn’t the maintenance but the specs and given performance
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    @DreEleven oh okay, I didn't understand. Thanks for explaining.

    I had my laptop just shutting down running Fallout 4. Like power would just turn off. So I watched the heat on the GPU. It would climb high enough after 30 minutes that it did a hard thermal shutdown. So I cleaned it out and boom everything works again. It was ONLY Fallout 4 that did this. I could run a heavily modded Skyrim just fine.
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    I'm always upset they put too much power in a laptop and don't care about the cooling
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    @Demolishun this sounds like a hardware needing a bit of maintenance issue and program inefficiency issue. The hardware is capable but the programs and OS’s aren’t optimized enough. 🤔
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    @jestdotty couple that with subpar optimization and you see why the average laptop is a toaster oven.
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    @jestdotty don't be upset :(
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    Spyware and multiple threads of keylogger running in the background
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    What does overheating mean in this case? Contemporary CPUs often boost until thermal or power limits are reached and then throttle themselves to clocks that are still higher than the specified base clock.
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