
I hate this era where it's illegal to ask questions

Europeans called snap elections and everybody is going far-right but I don't see mention of Israel so I got curious if this is a coup. but I can't even ask the damned question. questions are illegal

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    Everyone who doesn't agree with the government is now an extremist.
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    @Demolishun I don't even think it's that tame anymore. you're an extremist if you don't agree with a group, to that group

    the amount of "pressure" and exercising of "soft power" has run its course so they have to keep increasing the slander and bullying tactics because nobody is listening anymore. there's nothing else left. we've popped the cherry. no political party or news is credible, it's all slander

    next step is just censoring real information so you can't even look up what's going on even when you know what you're being told is a lie. healthcare already did this

    we had a glorious era of access to information once upon a time

    anyway he's pro Israel, and so is the French lady who won. I was too lazy to look up the other people. sigh
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    Ask the LLM what “illegal” means
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    and something is a law when it is a rule by coercion, though the coercion seems optional

    idk why they think the opposite of a rule is a falsehood tho
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    > Pic related
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    Wow, you asked a corporate tool something, and it responded in the corporate fashion! Who would’ve thought!
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    About illegality… it didn’t report you to “law enforcement” that then blasted your door open, took you away and tortured you. You merely got a “no” from a corporate chatbot.
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    @kiki yea this is a very middle class (predominantly) white western view to call this censorship in any form. This is a company blacking out phrases to protect its bottom line. Not the government arresting bc you sent a mean tweet about the president
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    This shows the need for an uncensored unfiltered open source decentralized advanced qa engine.
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    it is not in any way "illegal to ask questions". what you mean in this case is "some people don't want to ANSWER certain questions".

    if you can't distinguish those diametrically opposed concepts, then please just keep out of any and all discussions of any importance.
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    @NickyBones send your robots to do the job!
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    @NickyBones guess we need another 1000-ish years then
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    They are not 'snap' election. FRANCE is calling for snap election because the pres is a retard who want to score point against the fascists, themselves shitting themselves because they hate arabs.
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    legal comes from the latin word legalis and so does illegal. It's a word for what is consensus and what it's not respectively
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    @NickyBones to be fair, what's happening in palestine have everything to do with politics in france.

    They have their own colonial history with arabs and the far-right is suddenly pro-netanyahu (no shit) even though their party is literally rooted in nazy collaborationists.
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    @NickyBones to be fair, what's happening in palestine have everything to do with politics in france.

    They have their own colonial history with arabs and the far-right is suddenly pro-netanyahu (no shit) even though their party is literally rooted in nazy collaborationists.
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    @NickyBones you are right, and ofc they are not.

    But look gf worked in doha, made gazaui friend, recently received a call from the guy saying all his family died. She does think of israel as enemy, killing her people. Can you blame her?
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    It's not preventing you from asking a question, it's preventing you from receiving a stupid answer.
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    @jestdotty a lot of the people here are not ready to have their world view challenged. They will defend their programming until the day they die. They will also defend the system and go to battle for it. When people lovingly call other people NPCs this is who they are talking about. I have relatives like this. No amount of explaining your position will be enough for them. There is real fear that their constructed reality will be altered. A part of all of us I think has this fear. You have to remember that there are as many realities as there are people in existence. Don't expect the masses to recognize what you understand or think you understand to be true. The subconscious gateway will reject information no matter how correct it is if it contradicts their reality. I find myself questioning things and my own reality. Also consider this. People that don't "get it" may not be meant to "get it". It is a blessing and a curse.
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    @jestdotty many people do not question their reality until a significant event or piece of information they encounter alters their perceptions.

    Lets take the perception: Government is good and acts in the best interest of the population.

    Someone's experience: A man who is on social subsidy, is old and cannot afford to pay his water bill. A neighbor gives them water from their faucet. The city finds out because it is technically illegal to share water. Fines people who shared water $400. No accountability for the welfare of the old man. Is arguably an evil response to the situation. Person who shared water comes to the realization the government doesn't give a shit about the actual people.

    Me as an observer: I understand the reasoning for the law. I think laws are important. However, the end result is not justice and doesn't serve the purpose for which it was created. Yet it still got enforced. Conclusion: revenue stream.
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    @jestdotty and I don't mean NPC term as an insult. People have a mental gateway that accepts information based upon a working set of beliefs. If information that is received contradicts those beliefs then it will automatically be rejected. It takes a lot of effort to override those ingrained beliefs. So I am saying all people will exhibit NPC like behavior to ideas that don't align with their working set of beliefs.
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    @jestdotty its a shit place to be. The people that don't understand make judgements about your sanity, intelligence and motives. The people that do understand can become depressed that the world is actually as shitty as it is. I have to regularly checkout of discussions to keep my sanity. It is hard to have any discussion of import with blissfully ignorant people. I feel like when the time is right people will start asking questions. When I first realized how screwed up my government was I spent a few days in shock. Then every weird story I ever heard of people seemingly acting out started to make sense. Everything connected and it was horrible. This isn't the world I ever wanted to live in. But here I am attempting to raise kids in this shit.
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    @jestdotty do you know about the physics slit experiments? The outcome of the experiment is affected by the expectations of the researcher. It is a wave or it is a particle. Anyway, how can that be? How can thoughts affect the physical world? What if everyone is fed information to think a certain way? How will that manifest in the world? If the whole world simultaneously thought that hunger and homelessness is unacceptable. What would happen?

    So what kind of fucked up person tries to get the whole world to think horrible things? Like the world is going to end unless some political thing happens? What will happen?

    What we are witnessing (and what I choose to believe we are witnessing) is the dismantling of this system of thinking that is destructive to our world. So yes, there is despair, but I think there is a light at the end of this tunnel. That is the world I want to live in.
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    @jestdotty I believe the uniparty is going to go down, at least I hope it does. Left vs Right is a way to divide people. I have feelings about what is fundamentally correct, but in practice the officials ignored those principals.

    In the end I hope my country stops subjugating the world with force.
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    @jestdotty "the world will end unless some political thing happens? oh the lefties saying trump will end the world. well technically that's terrorism by definition. it's rule by fear to be more normal in my speech -- tyrants rule by fear. the "democracy" is a tyrant."

    You mean liberals.

    Liberals are exploiting everybody and when people get pissed they pull out some fascist to divert people's anger against immigrants. Fascists and liberals needs each other like the sun needs the moon.
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    I’ll give you my stance, fuck that corrupt ass country
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    @shovethisrant which one? you gotta be more specific lmao they all are
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