
Did anyone here ever use Alibaba Cloud? How reliable is it? .-.

I was divided between Yandex Cloud and Alibaba Cloud but Yandex doesnt support payment from my side of the world -_- so Alibaba is the last resort :v

if it's super bad though then I might as well buy another server-rack in a DC but imma keep that as the "worst case scenario"

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    Doesn't North Korea have any cloud providers?
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    @donkulator not that im aware of
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    I think alibaba is a very large provider, might be 4th or 5th depending on where Oracle fits these days.

    It's 100% going to be infested with communist party snooping, but that could make it more affordable if you don't care about that kind of thing.
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    Username does not check out
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    @lungdart I guess they're alright then
    Snooping/US interference is why I'm avoiding AWS/Azure tbh, coz ofc everyone's gonna snoop (open secret at this point) but with US banning websites/networks/IP subnets and currencies of "enemy" countries

    I can't trust their companies with putting "Customers first", they'll always be "oh but our Govt said Fuck You so we've to comply" if the oldies in US Govt decide to find a new "enemy" when they get bored of the old ones
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    @electrineer im overusing Azure at work lemme detoxify 😤
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    @azuredivay not much you can do. Governments are going to government. Companies can either comply or leave.
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    I would stay out of anything that has to do with Ali. But I heard Temu cloud is awesome
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    @TeachMeCode I prefer Shein Cloud myself
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    There are a couple very affordable European providers in countries that are democratic but don't have extensive wiretapping laws like the US. I guess as a US citizen it makes sense that you would prefer enemies of the US because they're the least likely to comply with a US warrant.
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