And so the votes have been cast.

Good bye Net Neutrality...πŸ˜₯

Good? Bad? 'Netpocalypse'?

Thoughts anyone?

  • 2
    Vpn, dnscrypt, https. So what of mine can my isp can see again?
  • 1
    Yeah - doesn't concern me.

    America isn't the whole world.
  • 2
    well, now I can only hope that they won't have the same idea over here for the next few years
  • 3
    #thankfulForNotBeingAmerican πŸ™

    (that totally should be hashtag by now...)
  • 0
    ISP infrastructure doesn't belong to me, so I have no right to force them to use it the way I want them to, and by extension the US government (or its unelected bureaucrats) has no right to do so either.

    If it results in doom and gloom, so be it.
  • 2
    I'm screwed. I'm american.
  • 0
    Well although America is not the whole world, the rest will look and follow. Of course the first users always get the most bugs. So the rest of us have that silver lining.

    And this is the kind of thing that is bound to happen no matter the majority opinions. It is only a matter of time. Trust me 99% are literally nothing for that 1%. The whole world is run by 1%.
  • 0
    @CurseMeSlowly What else have we 'followed' americans with?
  • 0
    @HelloUglyWorld nestle, cola, kfc just naming a few. Want more serious answer? Look at curriculum at schools.
  • 0
    @CurseMeSlowly there are shit tons of "American System" blank blank things around Asia from services to products. (except North Korea they have their systems)

    Western Europe and Middle East, they may not directly follow but will still clone the basic concept and modify on their own.
  • 1
    @CurseMeSlowly #edit

    Easier to just rewrite.

    You are mentioning products and trends.

    I have yet to see atleast one 'murikan' law etc (government related). to be implemented in my country.

    Some people tried pushing gender studies and other social 'sciences' (I use term very loosely) but everyone just laughed it off and it was gone after few weeks.
  • 0
    @CurseMeSlowly and when it comes to IT and startup, I believe the whole world worship Silicon Valley like the birth place of Jesus 😐
  • 1
    @CurseMeSlowly Back then, perhaps - not anymore.

    America isn't even leading in space exploration anymore.

    Europe used to be the inventive portion of the world, then for some time america took over.. but now? Now countries like China, Japan... Asia in general.

    Nobody follows america - if you disagree, name atleast one law or scientific field that anyone in europe has ripped off of america
  • 0
    @HelloUglyWorld well I don't have enough knowledge in laws, legislation and social studies. I just have basic know-how for development and business fields. πŸ˜”

    I just hope you are right and no one would follow them. πŸ˜”
  • 1
    @CurseMeSlowly You can never be certain.. but this is one of the scenarios that is very unlikely - but if it happens, you'll know it lol.
  • 0
    @HelloUglyWorld actually our country's ISP and Telecomm are already applying some of the techniques to their users. It is cheaper and faster to use apps like fb and certain instant Messengers etc. 😐
  • 1
    @HelloUglyWorld your county sounds like a nice place, I may have to move there in a few yearsπŸ˜…
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