

  • 4
    I do it too. Totally normal.

    It's better than typing in an eternally long password just to realize that a letter was wrong and you can start from the beginning.
  • 2
    I have passwords which I learned typing with backspace makes it harder for key readers like me
  • 5
    My password is 30 characters long and I type fast.
    If I back space a single character, it'll still be wrong ://
  • 1
    @Michelle the most secure password πŸ‘
  • 12
    My password has a backspace character in it.
  • 2
    Despite my lengthy password, more often than not I go back a couple characters insert what I think I've missed and then type it all out. Typically works
  • 4
    Especially in terminals. That shit's annoying. Does backspace still remove just one character? Does it remove all? How many did I remove already? So. Much. Questions.
  • 2
    @Olverine now thats just fucking genius. Guess no directory has this.πŸ˜ͺ
  • 2
    I don't actually know my passwords, just the muscle memory required to input them on a qwerty keyboard.
  • 1
    @CriticalFailure I was wondering if I was the only one... You don't even need backspace, just ctrl-a and start typing.
  • 1
    I ^u it.
  • 3
    Mistyping the pwd in the console.
    Just smashing backspace which probably erased the pwd 3 times already.
    Just to be sure all characters are gone since you can't see it..
  • 1
    thats because of muscle memory. you remember the pattern on how you have to move your fingers to enter a complex password and so if you mess up one letter, may it be that you hit two letters at the same time or so, you don't really know which one is wrong and thus just delete the whole word and re enter it. you're usually faster as well if you just restart to enter it.
  • 0
    @Lahsen2016 how can you keep such a long password in your mind ?
  • 1
    I live dangerously. I only remember one password πŸ˜” the rest I have no idea.
  • 0
    @Lahsen2016 good idea πŸ‘
  • 1
    @R1100 or use two three people or dog or cat names .. well just names of something or someone also works. I prefer people though. The rest is in dictionary and directory πŸ€”
  • 3
    @CriticalFailure or simply Ctrl+Backspace :P
  • 0
    Only iPhone users I hope
  • 1
    Mine isn't a sentense. It's a series of random characters and numbers. Fg54as35m and etc.
    Btw, that's not part of my password.
  • 2
    @Michelle how do you manage 30? I can barely get past 16 characters before my muscle memory dies.
  • 3
    The trick is simple. It's a 10 character password with random digits and numbers, but typed 3 times.
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