
Turn 26 tomorrow and feel like I haven't accomplished shit this last year

  • 6
    One day left to accomplish something then. No pressure.
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    @electrineer instead I'm playing minecraft with my friends 🤣🤣🤣
  • 2
    I'm 31 and I too feel like I haven't accomplished jack shit so far
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    That's ok. You have an opportunity again. Advanced Birthday greetings

    God bless you!
  • 4
    When you're upset about “accomplishing” something, look in the mirror and note your pointy canines. They're there for a reason. It's completely normal for omnivorous species to just lay down and do nothing sometimes. You're not a hive insect.

    With the crazy stream of new information thrown at us the moment we wake up, because our brains were never meant to handle that, it's okay to take a year off just to process things and let your brain eliminate “tech debt” that accumulated in the background. A lot of thinking happens at a lower level than your consciousness, where you can't see it. It will all click sooner or later.
  • 6
    Don‘t worry, you still have many years ahead of you to accomplish nothing, many times.
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    @Lensflare by the way, you did an amazing job on JoyRant. Enjoying the small things like mentions strip under new reply box.
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    @kiki thank you! 😄
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    @jester5537 I wish I could play Minecraft with friends. I’m autistic and bipolar. In the university, even before the bipolar part manifested, I once woke up and realized I lost all video game fandom. Wasn’t able to regain it completely since.
    In school, I remember beating Assassin’s Creed 1 in 5 fps in 640x480 on a CRT monitor bc this is the peak performance my trash pc could manage. It’s not that we were poor, it’s that my mother and my stepdad spent all their money on themselves. They even went to Finland once, not bringing me with them, and do you know what they brought me as a present? A bottle of dish soap. I was the one to wash all dishes for the family of five.

  • 1
    27 and same
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