
Neurotypicals have some seriously complex needs.

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    @jestdotty You have to follow all these arcane rules of social interaction, and if you get it wrong they get the arsehole and they can't explain why.
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    IKR? Seems like their requests are not typical at all, as they stem from complexes and implicit societal norms. It's a pity right there.
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    @donkulator they just get offended, shove the rules down your throat and when you say you don't get why it is a big deal they say "just do it" which is not a reasonable answer
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    neurodivergent. hear it a lot lately.

    reads like bateman quipping: "I have to return some video tapes."

    All is not well in the kingdom of the mind. The internet gave humanity a glimpse at our own souls.

    And we did not like what we saw as a species.

    Reality is a motherfucker.
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