
I started applying for jobs. As I have over 150 repos on GitHub and 10 years of relevant work experience, the company obviously had trouble validating if I had some basic coding skills. That's why they decided to send me a coding "homework" task to build an app in React Native.

Basically, the task was building an app with 2 screens and one bonus where they indicated "doesn't need a UI". I spent half a day spinning up their project, installing XCode, their specific versions of Ruby, and around half a day building the thing.

Obviously, I wanted to demonstrate my technical skills, so I added a few tests, proper typing, comments, and so on. The project was in a good state, and on the "bonus" screen I quickly added a few components. Since I have a lot of things going on, I capped the amount of time to one day of work. I felt it was good enough to demonstrate I can build something like this.

A few days later, I received a response from the recruiter telling me they wouldn't move forward. She in depth explained that this was because of a missing key property. I did indeed miss one key property on the "bonus" screen, in the part that was not even part of the core task. This was a list of very few static elements, and the entire list only got rerendered when changing routes. Basically in this case, there would not be any visible performance impact.

The recruiter explained in the email that I was missing the eye for detail they need, and that I should "educate" myself more about lists in React. I made one tiny silly mistake in a one-day project, that a linter would've taken out (if this project had one). I've contributed to React Native myself and worked with React for almost 7 years now? Yeah, it's a stupid thing, but what is the point of these types of tasks? I thought this was to demonstrate my skillset, not to be called out on.

Either way, my question here is this: at which point does it become appropriate to send an invoice for the time I wasted on this?

  • 6
    The filtering process is as much for you as it is for them. Is that really an environment you would want to be in?

    Yeah, if coding test can't be done in the interview or use coding samples I am not really interested.
  • 4
    reminds me of one interview I had

    I did a mini project that's similar for them. the guy didn't give me a spec he just gave me a website and told me to pull data from it -- it wasn't even their website so I was kind of hacking somebody else

    when I handed it in he said I messed up because I didn't use IIFE. seems stupid what's it matter what the syntax of my code is? how was I supposed to guess that's in their style guide?

    I messaged again, I don't remember exactly what I said, I think I was just confused, were they rejecting me for style lol?
    he replied that I had missed a field -- which makes sense, they had no spec, so I was just hitting these endpoints on a website and I didn't know the schema of the data they could give, so I missed some data. whoops. that hurt.
  • 5
    but then he ended his email by giving me unsolicited advice, saying I have too many projects (I had about 100) and the reason why I have too many projects is because I'm overwhelmed by trying things I'm not equipped to do. bruh what
    and then he linked me to several basic bitch HTML weekly newsletters like those would be "helpful" to me. wat

    during the interview he kept telling me he found my projects confusing, asking which one I liked best and I gave him my biggest one which probably didn't help him... because it was a damned operating system written in JavaScript lmao, but it was genuinely the one I was most proud of

    I think I was overqualified and they had bad manners, and the guy either coped too hard or legitimately didn't know what he was looking at
  • 3
    @Demolishun yeah holy hell I had such a negative impression of the company after that. they were originally browsing one of my profiles and my friend noticed their name and said they were good, so I went to interview for them. but that opinion changed fast

    I mean it could've been just one bad lead dev. I was on the fence if I should forward that rejection email to the CTO and tell him his lead dev is incompetent and offensive, but also why would they trust me over someone in that company and I'm also routinely more optimistic about people than they function in reality so I didn't bother
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    @jestdotty That's messed up. It's so unprofessional when an interviewer acts like they stand above you and tell you straight up that you need to learn more. It's needlessly kicking someone when they're down -.-
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    Same thing happens to all competent devs:
    You end up in a meeting describing the technical choices you made to build the latest revolutionary software, but they fail you right away because you didn't give the right answer to the Java streams question.
    Then they explain to you something like: "streams... you know? like streams of water or think of it as a river that flows"
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