

New year's resolutions:

1) Rid and keep my life free of toxic people. This includes parents.
2) Find a well-paying job that isn't also toxic.
3) Take care of myself for a change!
4) Stop putting up with things I don't have to.
5) Actually enjoy things I enjoy.
6) Finally buy a harp. I've wanted one since I was 3 ffs.
7) Finish de-googling my life.

  • 2
    Buy that harp!!!
    And good luck with the 2018 detox.
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    @irene Absolutely! :D
    but I can't decide between a concert harp and the smaller variety. Concert harps sound soo much better, but. they're gigantic.

    @C0D4 I shall! and thanks (:
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    @irene mhm. but they just don't sound quite as nice. (Smaller soundboard and all) but i'll probably go with it just so i have someplace to put it.
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    @Root is there such thing as well paying AND not toxic?
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    Sounds like a good list. It's a lengthy one though. Just make sure you keep focus and do them one at a time and do it right. Start with the one that provides the most improvement.

    I've wish you all the luck in the world with it
  • 3
    Yeah. Cut the bad fruit off at the stem. Then join my metal band as the harp player.
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    @root Hope you get around to completing this, though based on your last post #1 seems to be the most prominent. I'm truly sorry you had to go through all that. There's a special place in hell for people like that.

    They had nothing better to do than to stalk you and try to fuck with your child. That sickens me. Fucking twats need to leave you alone and get a life.

    As for me, I'll be in the back trying to get rid of my OCD problems (depression and unwanted thoughts together are like matches and gasoline).
  • 3
    De-googling the life sounds awesome! Also go for that harp yess! 🤗
  • 0
    Could always make a MIDI (or OSC) harp ;)
  • 1
    ++ because harp
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