Apple Music is the worst music service I've ever used.
By far the worst UI/UX ever.
It doesn't allow me to easily organize my music the way I want.
Search is sluggish.
The recommendation algorithm sucks.
Can't LIKE a song without it asking me to also sync my local music files to the cloud. Seriously, why the fuck can't I like/favorite a song and be done with it? Why does it need to sync with my local files?
This is a basic feature that works in literally on any other music platform.
The damn thing can't even play FLAC.

I know Spotify has its issues, but it actualls feels like a well engineered piece of software.
Apple Music seems like it was made by junior devs for a school science fair.

The only thing going for Apple Music is the sound quality, everything else is bullshit.

  • 2
    Every Apple service is the worst, especially the web platform that they provide for it.
    See iCloud or Appstoreconnect.
  • 0
    Amazon Music.
  • 1
    @donkulator you like to dance around a campfire?
  • 1
    Name one other music app that allows sideloading pirated mp3s. I’ll wait.
  • 0
    Song is not available in my region? Well, too bad — I’m pirating it and uploading to my library, so it lives right by regular songs. Apple Music is the only way to blend streaming and piracy that I’m aware of
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    @null-pointer-ex what are you running the app on? I use Apple Music non-stop and I e never experienced this behavior.. hmm.
  • 1
    @sparrowEatsHawk I'm running it on macOS.
  • 1
    I have like 60 gigs pirated mp3s in my spotify that just won't sync to my other devices :( tried everything, restart, reinstall, connect to same net, giraffe piss enema, print logo on A3 and worship naked. I fucking hate all these gizmos
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