
learning rust. shit is boring

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    and then you'll try to do something super basic and it won't work

    and you can't read anything

    you're welcome
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    Fuck rust, stopped learning it
    It's being way overhyped by internet retards, almost like a cult
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    Why does it get so much hate? I’ve never used it.
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    @ars1 see syntax. They did everything to be different. Being different than any language that did thing quite well about its syntax. I do hear positive things about the crate system tho
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    I honestly stopped to look at it when it started to become a cult. Rust for Linux drama looks as if Jehovah witnesses were knocking at the doors of Vatican by the way.
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    The evangelism was enough to turn me off of it. I also don't like the thought of scrapping a good language (c++) instead of fixing it or teaching it differently to avoid the kind of problems the Rust claims to solve.
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    are you learning this while waiting on the toilet ? :D
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    @devRancid have to learn this bullshit cause solana is built on fucking rust
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    @retoor Among the low level languages, it probably has the best dependency management, but let’s be honest : the lifetime annotations are a pure aesthetic mistake.
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    @Tounai yh, i don't have much understanding about the language. Was about to write a whole story why it would never beat C. Not in wildest dreams. They say it comes close, yeah, with executing exact the same code on both langues. C will beat the hell out of it if it's written in a way it relies on memory cache and free's vars soon in center of function and reuse it again what Rust can't do. "memory safe language". C is too, look how stable the kernel is. But it depends on coder. And yes - it takes some freaking time. But I see it takes some time to become a Rust dev too. So hmm... Rust doesn't look easy at all.

    Fuck, still wrote the story.

    Dependencies in C is kinda hell, that's why a lot is self written I guess. I often give up on a dependency. I love single header libs. I write it myself like that too.

    Thanks for listening to my ted talk :P
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    @jestdotty true, but I don't mind that C development goes "slow". I'm going like a maniac and since i write C i became way less lazy. It gave me mental stamina. No one makes software with C anymore. I looked for vacancies and it's only for embedded. In Rust they will at least write software. But Rust still has to come from the ground in Netherlands I guess. But I expect it to come, not to replace C what is already gone, but Java / .NET or smth
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    The book is pretty boring, but you can always just do your own project

    Rust is great, but it forces you to actually think about your code architecture beforehand which feels like a massive pain if you're not used to it
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    @devRancid @cuddlyogre I don't get why people get their panties in a twist about internet idiots so much

    I mean, literally just don't look at it. Don't consume low quality hype videos and don't read clueless reddit comments

    Rust is just a tool. And its a good one so I use it. Evaluate for yourself instead of listening to coding bros
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    @jestdotty European army war thing, is that how you you're calling that over there? 😂 The whole software industry is woke. People having a good life and started to worry about others who don't need it :) I also had value conflicts at my previous job. I was making fun of a German coworker but appearantly they're now a minority too. I really didn't feel good there. It's not that I spit weird stuff 24/7 but I had to walk on my toes anyway. It costed a lot of energy and they kinda felt as enemies. Felt controlled. Didn't feel free
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    @retoor to me the main advantage of C is that nothing is magic. Now it’s been a long time I didn’t write anything in C.

    Technically, you can free memory early with rust as well, as anything is freed after the curly braces, but it only make the things worst.

    Complexity is the thing that made me drop C++ because you don’t understand what your own code does after a cigarette pause, and I HATE that. And Rust is not at this level, but not that far. When I write something in Rust, I am never totally sure of what is truly happening.
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    @retoor Now for the dependencies, it’s more a lack of tools than anything else, or maybe, the lack of a tool that is unanimously adopted, which Rust solved the best way possible : by imposing it.
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    @Tounai in C one thing is clear, you have to make it yourself. You know what you're upto. I did C, but then really want to do seriously C++ and decided that I need more C knowledge and now I can write it like python. Nothing made me so happy and pissed off as C. Everytime I thought that I mastered it: *surprise*
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    @Tounai cmake, what a joke. I don't understand what I'm reading. Let's built a C pakage manager. We build wrappers that auto find include directories and execute configure if it finds it. We'll accept any project structure, we convert it using symlinks
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    @jestdotty C++ is to me the worst on that matter. Nothing is implemented the same way, the language is doing so much that each lib is implemented with totally different concepts, the syntax makes it horrible to read. My main complaint about Rust is that while C is understandable, Rust compiler heavily relies on cryptic magic.
    It’s totally fine for CLI copy cat of C stuff, but when it comes to lower level stuff, it’s the right way to end up with unbearable mess.

    I didn’t include Java or JavaScript because to me, they don’t serve the same purpose. Languages are tools, JS is simpler and allow us to do things faster when performances are a lesser concern than productivity. And Java is a language of another time which combines low speed and low productivity.
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    It for sure had a place but for most things I find go and C more useful. Quite some C++ use cases where Go just isn't good enough Rust makes sense. That is why I do think that an application like a browser makes sense to write in Rust.

    The cult/hype peak may come to an end. Go had the same over hype bs. Now I see it used too little where it makes sense. Paru for example should never have existed for example Yay could benefit from the extra development that went into Paru, Rust adds nothing here. Network and pacman are the limiting factor.
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    @12bitfloat It's not twisted panties. It's pattern recognition.

    It is impossible to ignore the incessant inorganic astroturphing about Rust in every forum I visit. The artificial evangelism is enough for me to discount this "tool".
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    @hjk101 go was very short and powerful yh. Rust is already remaining longer I think
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    @cuddlyogre Yeah but what have some randos to do with the rust project? Most of the hype bros can't even write Rust

    If it was the core maintainers I would understand, but no, there all chill

    You're limiting yourself from a potentially great language because some idiots somewhere say something... come on
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    @12bitfloat I don't jump onto hype trains.
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