
Programming smth complex is literally time traveling. My clock goes in these steps:
20:00 -> so much time left
22:00 -> time to wrap up soon
02:00 -> wut? Impossible

The type of projects I do is quite limited to standard library so I also don't spend time on reading docs of some dependency. I make everything myself. Afterwards, I look up what the way to go is how others do it and compare. Mostly, I don't adjust, it's just smth for next time. That's the whole hobby. Just keep going

  • 4
    Some people think it's stupid to build existing stuff but I like to go trough the thinking process myself. Also replicating functionality is harder than deciding yourself what output is. For yourself you can do anything what's convenient
  • 3
    Ikr... Softw development is an individual wormhole to the future self
  • 1
    careful, or you'll elide into math and open devrants second wormhole, after the first great devrant wormhole incident of 2021 which I may or may not have been responsible for.

    It's always fun when you capture that golden moment where the problem you were trying to grok just clicks, and then you figure you have to do the entire design, but all of a sudden it just pours out of your head like holy fire a hundred lines of code at a time.

    And before you know it, its morning, and you've time traveled without even owning a delorian.
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    @retoor Everything exists already anyway so you necessarily have to rebuild some stuff.

    On my side I chose to build destructive stuff instead but I don’t expect a bunch of GitHub stars anyway.
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    @Tounai all the fun things are done already done indeed. The work left is glueing. I publish daily on gh and I do get some stars often.

    What is destructive stuff? 😂
  • 3
    @retoor what I mean by destructive are programs that instead of improving your life, make it from slightly worst to full nightmare, all of that in a self-inflicted manner.
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