
Everything is shit. I just wanna cry.

  • 4
    That was a nice ransomware
  • 3
    Hey, c'mon. It's going to be alright. You're going to find your own way. I know you can.
  • 4
    try getting enough vitamin d and b12
  • 7
    Then cry if it helps, no shame in that.
  • 2
    came here to say the same fucking thing but in a different fashion
  • 2
    Hey, just shut down the computer.

    Go take a walk with headphones and music.
  • 0
    Yah wanna cry locked pipos life works ... lol
  • 2
    "everything is shit."

    And it's gonna be okay.

    One day the svelbard storage vault will discover the github source-code encoded pictures of my ass in the far future after the apocalypse.

    Assuming functioning electrical appliances still work in 2150 A.D.
  • 0
    Checking in: Is everything still shit?
  • 1
    @Wisecrack I appreciate you checking in.

    I'm doing better now. Much better. Thank you.
  • 1
    @Ranchonyx I hope so.

    But the more important question is, are you really or are you just being polite?

    It's an impolite thing to ask, but anyone that gives a shit about anyone is always willing to ask the uncomfortable questions.
  • 1
    @Wisecrack Yes, it is serious.
    I am doing better.
  • 1
    @Ranchonyx Good to hear mate. If you're ever not, you say hi why don't ya, ya hear?
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