I am just tired of this at this point. I have been unemployed for over two months now. I have been constantly applying to every opportunity that I see within my limits. I've also reduced my salary expectations by significant margins.

I'd have understood if I was getting rejected after the initial screening / technical interview. But I am not even getting there.

  • 3
    it took me 426 days to find my first job after graduation, and the job paid $8.125 an hour.
  • 5
    @b2plane Don't worry, Belgium was 541 days without government. Don't be harsh on yourself if you took less than this to find a new job.
  • 7
    It's almost as if HR get paid more for sitting their pants off than actually interviewing people.
  • 4
    @vintprox I thought HR was there to screw over employees and protect the company
  • 1
    That's sad, man. But don't worry too much. You will find something nicer
  • 2
    @GODISABLE I once repaired some one's credit without any hassle

    For more details, email me at repair-me@repairs.freenet
  • 1
    @asgs mine is credit@getunfucked.shit
  • 3
    Company are faking hiring to look like they are growing. Also some companies use take home assignments to get free work.
  • 2
    salary would be an indicator of your quality so I wouldn't reduce it as that literally can give off a bad impression

    find out how much they pay and say that number so you end up looking like you belong

    in general as a social engineering tactic, just be as similar to them as you possibly can. you don't have to do all of these but all of this will cause psychological bias in them to like you more:
    - same posture, same body language, same innocuous physical movements (don't make it unnatural or too obvious, just here and there)
    - dress for the same socio economic ladder; hoodies? suits?
    - if they talk casual, you talk casual. if technical do technical. you can shift this from person to person. pick up their words, use them. structure your sentences like they structure them. mirror their emotions to the same subjects but not too close or it will be creepy

    just in general just try to seem like them. it'll make people subconsciously think you're made for each other
  • 3
    @Demolishun I always hear take home as free work but I literally can't imagine it. like if I ran a business and tried that no way that would work. there would be no tests, most of the dev time and cost is maintenance, nobody will know what the code does -- in house devs would prefer to build greenfield projects not maintain shitty old codebases. I just don't see how someone could run a company off free interview work. maybe I'm missing something though?
  • 1
    and you just fucking KNOW the hiring department is going to return to their overlords twiddling their lil PPs saying "there aren't any good candidates uwu"
  • 1
    @jestdotty I dunno, I hear stories. Maybe it is a big rumor. I heard some of those stories here.
  • 3
    You’re getting take-home assignments? I haven’t gotten anything back except a single rejection letter, and that was like five months after I applied.

    I get ghosted every single time.
  • 2
    @ars1 fixed:

    * It's almost as if HR get paid more for screwing people over and protecting the company than actually interviewing anyone.
  • 0
    @jestdotty Thanks for your advice, really appreciate it. Sadly, i don't reach up to that point where I am talking with a real human. I just had ~5 interviews in the last three months.
  • 0
    Also did I mention I added a Kanban board plugin into Facebook's open source rich text editor Lexical, as an assignment, and then got ghosted? :)
  • 1
    @clumsycoder Oh. The bigger the company, the more inventive ways to ghost AND profit off of someone.
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