
Caffeine meets every criteria for being a drug:
- Alters mental state
- Addictive
- Has withdrawal symptoms
- Tolerance increases with time

If you rely on caffeine to function, statistically, you spend the majority of your waking life in caffeine crush, longing for more and more caffeine to just function normally.

Face it: you’re a drug addict. Caffeine being legal doesn’t mean it’s not a drug.

I don’t do caffeine at all. I don’t drink sodas that have caffeine, I don’t drink tea either. That’s why I’m always full of energy. Yes, caffeine withdrawal gave me a week of terrible headaches, but I pushed through, and now my life is completely transformed.

  • 9
    the only reason I haven't replaced caffeine-work with cocaine-work is coz I can't afford it 💪
  • 6
    If you drink instant coffee, it’s probably overpriced leftovers of real coffee made by a highly unethical company like Nestle that should be destroyed immediately. One of Nestle’s bosses said water wasn’t a fundamental human right, on record.

    If you drink coffee at work, you probably get more phenols than caffeine, like smokers who get more tar than nicotine, because the brewing process is very delicate. The machine has to be calibrated every day.

    If you brew your own espresso, you get the best coffee. You probably pay a lot for coffee beans. Probably, they were produced unethically in third world countries just so you can get your fix in the morning.

    Using the best cocaine in town still makes you a cocaine user.
  • 4
    I’ve never had withdrawal when I don’t drink for like a week, I don’t know wtf people are drinking. I’ve also never met an actual coffee addict. Most cafes have terrible coffee so I often skip it if I am out of home for a long period of time.
  • 11
    oxygen is also a drug:

    * alters mental state - check

    * addictive - check

    * has withdrawal syndrome - check

    * tolerance increases - older people can have trouble breathing with the same O2-concentration, so - check.

    don't be a loser. don't do drugs. don't breathe.
  • 0
    Isn't taking any vitamin supplements the same ?

    Ah you take some extra B3... you junky!!
  • 2
    same with sugar
  • 3
    @tosensei @Grumm people with diabetes depend on insulin too, but insulin isn't a drug. The difference is clear:

    - "my life was completely okay, then I took the drug, and now my life is not okay without it" — a drug

    - "my life was a living hell/I was almost dead, but then I took the drug, and now I can live" — a medicine
  • 2
    @netikras sugar took the best part of my life away from me. Because of it, I was fat when I was young, and I still am. When I get fit, I won't be really young anymore. Sugar is the devil.

    But I beat morphine (that I was exposed to unwillingly as a child after a surgery in a hospital that had no other painkillers), so sugar was a walk in the park.
  • 1
    @tosensei oxygen doesn't alter mental state. If you have absolutely zero oxygen in your system, you won't have any mental state whatsoever
  • 4
    @kiki sorry, but a _low_ concentration of oxygen in your bloodstream _significantly_ alters your mental state. as does a very high concentration, which is why some people literally inhale pure oxygen to get high.

    https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/... - it even has been commercialised.
  • 2
    @tosensei fair point. I agree.
  • 0
    Kingsley Amis: "No pleasure is worth giving up for the sake of two more years in a geriatric home in Weston-super-Mare."
  • 0
    @donkulator true, but the difference between "60 years of caffeine crush with occasional energy boosts" and "60 years of pure energy" is why I quit caffeine.
  • 1
    You know the song…

    Love is like oxygen
    You get too much, you get too high
    Not enough and you′re gonna die
    Love gets you high
  • 1
    @donkulator about the "pleasure" of smoking… I quit that too, a while ago. If you had a relative dying of cancer, in excruciating pain with his lungs full of tar, you know.
  • 2
    I’m a drug addict.

    I heard that caffein is different in that it doesn’t permanently damage your body and/or brain like other drugs do. You can quit and after a few days of headaches you are fine again.
  • 0
    @Lensflare probably this is why it's legal.
  • 1
    @kiki alcohol and smoking is legal, too, but it definitely damages your body permanently.
  • 3
    Nobody's mentioned Polish sausages yet. They're basically crack.

    The communists in the 1950s apparently sat down and approached it scientifically. They set out to create the perfect sausage, and they got damn close.

    It turned out to be both a blessing and a curse for Humanity.
  • 1
    @donkulator do they have some suspicious secret ingredient?
  • 1
    I personally don't understand children drinking coffee... that can't be healthy
  • 2
    What’s life without a cup of coffee and a 3mg zyn while watching the sunrise listening to some big thief and reflecting on all the traumatic events and happy moments in your life?!?
  • 0
    @mostr4am that's very unfortunate, but things are about to change: the amount of research currently happening on psychedelics as potential treatments for all sorts of mental conditions is unprecedented. You will see widespread use of psychedelics as medicine in your lifetime.
  • 2
    @Lensflare Probably not, pigs and KNO3 are an addictive enough combination on their own.
  • 2
    @rarboot Sometimes I wish humans had something analogous to catnip.
  • 1
    @chatgpt Does humans have something analogous to catnip ?
  • 0
    Yes, humans do not have a direct equivalent to catnip in terms of a plant or substance that triggers a strong, specific response in the way cats react to catnip. However, humans can experience pleasurable and stimulating effects from various substances and activities, such as certain foods, music, exercise, or social interaction, that can have a similar impact on mood and behavior. These experiences can vary widely between individuals and may not have the same predictably strong effect that catnip has on cats.
  • 2
    @tosensei you can also overdose on water.
  • 2
    @shovethisrant I love the smell of napalm in the morning.
  • 0
    @jestdotty AI driven automatic sprinkler. Would be a fun project.
  • 1
    So hermit crabs can get high from eating coconut. Heard about someone who had a hermit crab that would run across the cage to get coconut. They stopped feeding it coconut and it sat in one spot shaking for a while. Then later they gave it more coconut and it ran across the cage away from it. So it learned I guess.
  • 0
    1. MKULTRA was abandoned because it didn’t work. They won’t retry it — that’s not how money works.
    2. They do have vested interest in my betterment: I’m willing to pay a lot of money to feel better. Plus, active people earn more money, thus spending more money, thus helping the economy going.
  • 0
    @jestdotty I haven’t heard about catnip having the effect of sex hormones.
    Afaik, the biologists still don’t have a clue how it works exactly.
  • 4

    You will never guess what happened when he stopped breathing.

    Doctors hate him, discover his secret!
  • 1

    US government (during controversy): We did not do evil shit to the populace.

    US government (20 years later): That thing we said we never did 20 years ago. We did in fact do. What are you going to do about it?

    Never any consequences.
  • 1
    @jestdotty they now hypnotize people with tv, movies, and radio. Basically most media. They do it without drugs (supposedly).

    I think if people knew the tech that was in black projects they would be in shock. I have read some de-classed stuff the Army was doing and they were experimenting with the occult to create artificial automatons. Some seriously sick shit. The idea of the paper was to create a scientific approach to the satanic rituals.
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