
me 2 weeks ago: "can we talk about the release?"
pm: *proceeds to circlejerk about story points for an hour every day*
pm today: "why is our release late?"

dear management, go fuck yourselves. seriously, go fuck yourselves

  • 5
    My usual quip in these meetings is: I've been to orgies with less circle jerking than this
  • 2
    Sometimes that’s why I am evasive with what I am doing so I don’t have to debate it.
  • 4
    Update: they lost the original Android keystore. I'm gonna shoot myself in the dick for real
  • 0
    > pm today: "why is our release late?"

    Me: "We talk about it last week. "

    Then proceed to not expand on the subject, and answer simple yes/no to every questions.
  • 0
    @rudinskiz they lost keystore? You working with lemmings?

    So sorry to hear that you have to deal with IQs of a value lesser than a room temperature!
  • 0
    @rudinskiz Great. It means that you don’t have to battle with Playstore morons who reject your app all over again because they can’t understand simple English.
  • 0
    Another update: Our app got approved!!!
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