been lurking @ Rants for some time and want to thank you all for some great laughs.

Now I come to seek knowledge.

Studying computer science and all we learn are java at this point.
I want some frontend and was looking at React and realized I need to learn js first.

So, best way of learning js coming from java.

found javascript30.com worth it?

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    There is hardly any need for learning js coming from java.
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    You sure about that?

    Or just being sarcastic? :D
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    @okkimus Java and js are basically the same.

    That's why there is a "java" in "java script".
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    Yeah I totally agree! ;)
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    Although it might be a bit too detailed for a new comer

    You might want to add "you dont know JavaScript" to your list for later on

    Check it out it's free on github
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    Lifehack, check out vaadin, you can make web guis in java
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    @benderRodriguez thanks for your comment, will fork for later use.
    @BindView thanks mate will check that out.
    @Andi thank god I'm not that new to languages.
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    First of all, welcome to the community.

    From my personal experience the best way (subjectively speaking) to learn a new language is to first of all try and "map" known concepts to the new environment.
    Mostly in order to really know a language I think you need to feel comfortable with the language itself and then use it to write just about anything you can.
    If javascript30 will help you in achieving that then go for it, it's not like anything will be lost, right?
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    See also practical JavaScript
    Es2015 crash course
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    @StrucN Thanks for your answer. As you are saying "map", do you make some kind of mindmap, if so, do you use some cool software for that?

    I like to think the same way as learning any other language. Using java as my main language trying to translate the code to java to really understand. Just like translating French to Swedish in my head :)

    @jeeper thanks will check that out, thanks for taking your time
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