
the ability to recognize when someone is better at something than you might be the most valuable skill of all

no glass ceilings, just exponential growth at every opportunity

  • 5
    it's also a skill that, apparently, managers must be forbidden to even think about.
  • 3
    I've heard this a lot, and it always seems to be other people who are supposed to recognise when someone else is better than them.

    It always seems that the person saying it has never encountered anyone better than them.

    Naturally, the moment they do, they will humbly step back, treat it as a learning experience etc etc. It's just that conveniently for them, it never seems to happen.
  • 1
    Let's pretend IQ works.

    Most people likely give themselves an extra 20 points minimum due to bias.

    Most people probably can't tell the difference between a 120 and a 140. Their detectors just aren't sensitive enough.

    Most people are actually a 100.

    That means people will only think someone with an IQ of 140-150 are smarter than them.
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    @lungdart iq works perfectly for what it is.

    not for what idiots believe it to be.
  • 0
    Amen OP. Both humbling and inspiring IMO
  • 2
    @lungdart no they interpret people smarter than them as stupider


    it's difficult to tell who is smarter because you can't theory of mind their processing, therefore you can never confirm that they're smarter than you. their GHz will be higher so you can't simulate it. like a Minecraft computer trying to simulate if a real computer is smarter than it. it can't be done

    so you can only go off of results, but what I think happens with most people is they don't have a category of judging results in things they themselves are not experts in already. they downgrade the worth of skills they don't possess. this an outcrop of the self-serving bias you're citing there where people think they're better than they are -- it shows up in people thinking everything they're associated / attached with is better and if they don't possess it, it mustn't be worth much then!
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    @donkulator virtue signalers, yeah

    they always ruin good heuristics by being hypocrites. they use wise phrases for clout but then pervert their meaning. it's just a dark triad cloak
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    something something "if you're the best in the room, then you're in the wrong room."
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    @tosensei "not for what idiots believe it to be."

    a method of measuring dick size?
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    @Wisecrack I never liked that quote because then I wouldn't have belonged anywhere
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    @Wisecrack a perfect indicator of intelligence.
  • 0
    @tosensei "a perfect indicator of intelligence."

    always, lol.
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