
My manager has sucked the soul out of me. I feel drained, anxious , highly demotivated and I have lost hope in life. He has a toxic way of managing people. The team is always micromanaged and even in that he keeps scolding people for not completing tasks in the timeline which he thinks is right. I am always filled with multiple tasks on my board and he wants me to complete all of it in one day irrespective of complexity. We have a standup that is scheduled for 30 minutes but goes on for 1 hour 30 minutes and all he does in that meeting is tell people they have not done enough even while we have done far above our levels. And there is a meeting again in the evening to update on the tasks where he again starts scolding everybody. Few of my teammates say that whatever we do we will get scolded. We have never really celebrated any success as a team. He expects the team to be always available like 24*7 and work for atleast 14 hours a day and sometimes overnight for like more than 20 hours a day. And we have alternating 6 days work week even when ceo has approved 5day work week for tech. My manager doesn't treat anybody as humans , we are all just machines to drive his deliverables. He values only deliverables. It's very difficult to get holidays. But the problem is he has inflated my salary a lot and I have un-vested esops which is holding me back at the company.

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    Take the value of your salary vs industry average of your area and add in any unvested financial vehicles. Calculate how long until you're completely paid.

    Then ask yourself. If I was in a normal position, and given this offer with everything I know for the difference in pay and the time frame required, would I take it?

    If the answer is no, go look for a new job.
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    It's time to calculate velocity. It will make clear how much you're actually working. Don't you guys estimate tickets or are just the estimations too low? It's a good idea to have once in the week or two weeks a refinement session with team and assign estimations to tickets. 30 minutes planned standup is long. How big is your team ffs? Standup story should be per member what you did, the issues you walked upon and your planning for today and maybe asks someones help.

    Not celebrating successes I find killing but worked on more places where they didn't. Very sad, because I really put energy in work. Would be nice if smth gets celebrated.

    Manager sounds like a dick, what if you don't do what he tells you, is he that mighty? I had my manager doing my time registration because I refused it because he didn't apply a change in Jira for me. He kept doing it for a half year until he left. Pathetic
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    I'd tell him my deadlines will be met as fast as the deadlines for his meetings, tehe

    yeah investments is how they trap you. I wouldn't work extra hours but that's just me

    least he's actually giving you specs though so that's an improvement over a boss I had
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    @retoor I mean if he's using the stand-ups to say they're all losers maybe they should all use the end of the standup to give him feedback on his managering and tell him he's so bad at his job, so negative and toxic, it's making you demotivated. but do it one by one in grotesque detail like a struggle session. I think it'd be hilarious
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    @jestdotty people should realize, violence IS an option. Don't believe the weak people who says it's not. If violence is not a solution, you weren't violent enough
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