
Managers gettin horny when they realize that AI doesn't even need a free pizza party once a year to stay motivated

  • 4
    i need a pizza party every daiii
  • 1
    I heard some Polish radio station replaced news people with AI presenters. I think most news stations just regurgitate anyway. They are not thinking for themselves.
  • 4
    Managers crapping themselves when they realise AI can generate long powerpoints full of bullshit buzzwords, and can mostly use apostrophes correctly.
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    Managers electrocuted themselves to death after trying to open CPU case by themselves (while it's plugged in), since AIs won't do that for them.
  • 1
    @donkulator 😂

    Yup, AI is much more efficient at being useless.
  • 0
    @daniel-wu So you've never opened a case while it was plugged in?
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