
- Constant construction work that never ends
- You can buy ad place on scaffolding
- Potholes are “repaired” with literal trash left outside by shop owners that is compacted by passing cars
- It's okay to bump other cars to make room for parking yours

I've never been there. NYC dwellers, are those rumors true?

  • 2
    I heard you can catch ghonorea just by swimming in one of the brooklyn canals.

    Watch bored to death for more infos.
  • 0
    @kiki about nyc did u see the whole ceo murder drama?
  • 2
    You can also just go a shop, shameless steal anything you want up to $1000, and you'll never receive any punishment

    Because enforcing laws is racist or something
  • 1
    Suggest you watch Tyler Oliveira take on NYC..
  • 0
    @12bitfloat I love your submissive mindset. Did you ever try a dominatrix?
  • 0
    @antigermanist last time I tried it she ended up needing therapy
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    @antigermanist Obeying the most basic law and order is bad now? Jeez, talk about far lefties having common sense...
  • 0
    @12bitfloat It's not bad per se. It's your childish definition of what good and bad is. You see according to famous Swiss-french developmental psychologist Jean Piaget, all kids first develop rule-based ethical thinking as a toddler. In this first phase, kids act essentially like Pavlov's dog. They emit ethical judgment based entirely on rules stipulated by the authorities (parents/teachers/...). At that age, if a bad kid steal a candy, he's a bad kid, even if he's starving.

    Then, most kids evolve into a "no" phase, during which he rebels against the authority. After which they evolve into context-based ethical thinking, where they take the situation into account instead of believing in simplistic blanket statement.

    And I'm talking about famous developemental psychologist Jean Piaget. He knows a thing or two about mental retardation.
  • 0
    @retoor I would NEVER burn a tree :(
  • 1
    @antigermanist Any reasonable person thinks "being able to steal $1000 of merchandise and the police doesn't even show up because it's been made effectively legal by deluded lefty lawmakers" is a bad thing

    Yes, stealing is bad. Yes, it's a crime and should be punished. That's not a radical position in any way, I have no idea how you can't see this
  • 0
    @12bitfloat and that is why you're a LLM and I'm real. You'll never be a real boy until you learn not to think like a machine.
  • 0
    @antigermanist Why do you have to be such an cringy edge lord

    Obviously not everything the authority does is good and should be tolerated. Punishing people for stealing is *not* one of those times

    Like honestly, can you not think for yourself? In your mind everything the "evil" state does HAS to be bad because the state did it

    No. Think for yourself for goodness sake. Think rationally about the incentives, the outcomes. The good things and the bad things. And then come to a conclusion based on logic and morality instead of whatever the fuck you are using to come to conclusions, because your takes so far have been frankly laughable
  • 0
    @12bitfloat at least I can run accross the fields and feel the wind on my skin while you're stuck in a silicon existence dreaming of android sheep
  • 0
    @antigermanist It continues to amaze me how the most indoctrinated people can believe they are free thinkers lol

    Just to spell it out: You are in a literal cult. None of what you say or believe is what you came up with. It's all just repackaged from the thought leaders in your little cult. YOU are the android. YOU are the NPC that just follows the far left status quo
  • 0
    @antigermanist You literally cannot defend one of your positions rationally. I destroyed you in every debate we've had

    And the reason is what I just laid out: Because you haven't actually *thought* about your world view, you just repeat what other people are saying
  • 0
    @12bitfloat "everything the "evil" state does HAS to be bad because the state did it"

    "YOU are the NPC that just follows the far left status quo"

    aren't lefties about more government control?
  • 0
    @12bitfloat you believe in the invisible hand, retard.
  • 0
    @12bitfloat I do analyze the world using concepts that comes from the outside, yes. Unlike you, who received wisdom directly from the eternal our God, I am bound to the rules of cognitive psychology.
  • 0
    @antigermanist You got mad at me for saying theft should be punished. You do literally 0 logical thinking at any time of day
  • 0
    @kiki Lefties are for more government control even though they claim it's systemically racist and corrupt. They hate cops but want people thrown in jail over tweets.

    Yeah, it kinda doesn't make any sense at all. That's my biggest issue with the leftie world view
  • 1
    @12bitfloat I'm a leftie. I want more government control over corporations. Although sometimes systemically racist and corrupt, governments are democracies, and thus can be changed to better serve the masses.

    Wherever you live, someone's gonna have power. It's either mafia, corpos (the bigger mafia) or govt (the biggest mafia). Govt is better because after 5000 years we kinda-sorta know how to make it better than every alternative.

    I don't hate cops. People can be thrown in jail over tweets. If they tweet CP or coordinate terrorist attacks via twitter, they belong in jail anyway.

  • 1
    @kiki Sounds pretty reasonable

    What subgroup of the left would you categorize yourself in?

    From what I can gather, ostream is very much in the "woke identity politics" subgroup and that's the one I have an issue with
  • 1
    @kiki (ping for updated comment)
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    @12bitfloat I think I'm a bottom-ish left-ish person. Ideally, I want as much good as possible to as many people as possible, and I'm okay with eliminating/disempowering few bad actors who want to prevent that. Think cult leaders, market manipulators, corporate lobbyists.

    Also, I'm okay with government intervention, like when you need to vaccinate the whole country to prevent a smallpox outbreak. I'm okay with deploying the army to ensure that. There are VERY VERY VERY FEW cases that warrant this kind of intervention, but they exist.

    People are not equal because they have different privileges when they spawn, but we must strive to give the unlucky ones equal chances to the best of our ability.
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    @12bitfloat about wokeness… let's examine the hot topic: trans people.

    They exist. Despite decades of oppression from both the government and the people, they didn't stop being trans. They aren't going anywhere. That means if we as a state don't include them, someone else will. This is true for any marginalized group.

    1.6M adults identify as transgender in the US. Imagine a religious cult including, then arming and weaponizing 1.6 million people?

    Even if we set aside all transphobic and woke rhetoric, this still holds true.
  • 0
    @kiki The trans issue is a whole debate in and of itself

    Trans people do exist and I have no problems with people living their lives

    What I do have a problem with is a.) transitioning kids, because they cannot consent, and b.) the tendency to just make some shit up and then say "trans rights are human rights" and now magically we have to obey them

    E.g. trying to censors peoples speech if it doesn't agree. In many first world countries you could reasonably get a fine or be thrown in jail for tweeting "there are only two genders", because that's "hate speech"
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    @12bitfloat I think that puberty blockers for kids and sex reassignment surgery for kids should be banned.

    Hate speech though… everything has to be considered within its original context. Things that are “technically true” may still be used as hate speech. If I take a pic of a white guy, then a black guy, and then a gorilla, and measure their facial colors in RGB, a black guy's skin is closer to a gorilla's skin than a white guy's skin, because a gorilla's skin is black. Is it technically true? Yes. Does it mean that “black guys look like monkeys” is suddenly not hate speech? Not one bit.

    I won't talk about notable trans cases because I don't know an awful lot about them. All I want to say is, please, have some patience. Trans rights issue is still volatile, so a lot of injustice can happen to a lot of people. It will all settle down eventually.

    It's not about what we think is right, it's about how to meaningfully coexist the longest.
  • 0
    @kiki I agree that there is certainly very hateful and mean spirited speech, but I'm super not a fan of hate speech laws for one simple reason: Who defines what hate speech is?

    In a sense we (as a society) already had this discussion: Because anyone might be offended by anything, it's foolish and dangerous to ban vast areas of speech over it. We should allow as much speech as possible and the truth will ultimately prevail

    The more cynical (and imo true) take on hate speech laws is that it's just far lefty marxist types trying to gain power over society because they are really not good people driven by even worse motives

    Either way, I think they are a bad idea
  • 0
    @12bitfloat oh, so you're against hate speech as a concept. What you say is valid because natural languages are vague, inexact and malleable. My wife is a linguist, and she used to talk about it all the time. The overarching problem is that we're trying to study language using language. So far, we don't know the solution.

    I think that the only way around it is to move the speech itself out of the question. The context and circumstances around what was said are often enough. Again, it's not about what was/wasn't said and done, it's about how to ensure that we all peacefully coexist for as long as we meaningfully can.

    Do I believe in trans rights? Yes, I am trans after all. Will I go to my local mosque wearing trans flag as a cape for no reason whatsoever? Absolutely not: it won't help us coexist.

    To be honest, I've given up on trying to rationalize the world around me. I just follow my gut feeling. It had thousands of years to train the coexistence skill.
  • 1
    @12bitfloat though I heard the phrase “LGBT rights weren't given to you by the government, they were given to you by girls who threw bricks at cops”, and I like how it sounds. Maybe we should be loud to even be noticed. Yes, it contradicts everything I said before. I don't know how to reconcile the two. I honestly sincerely identify with both positions, but the contradiction is laughably obvious.

    This is why I'm glad it's not up to me to make policies that affect millions.
  • 1
    @kiki It really depends on what you mean by trans rights

    Do I think trans people should be treated respectfully and fairly? Absolutely!

    But that's not really "trans rights" but just human rights. Everybody should be treated well regardless of who they are
  • 1
    @kiki "This is why I'm glad it's not up to me to make policies that affect millions"

    Oh man, that's relatable. Honestly the reason I tend to stay away from politics. There's just too much to consider and it's so complex that it's sometimes just better to not have an opinion lol
  • 1
    @12bitfloat exactly! tbh the idea that I just can refuse to have an opinion saved me so many brain cells… and they have to be preserved if you're bipolar! :D
  • 1
    @kiki I wish more people would realize that not having an opinion isn't a bad thing!

    If you haven't researched something enough to form a well founded opinion you could defend in a debate, it's actually so much better to not have an opinion instead of delivering bad takes
  • 0
    @retoor yeah but like... He should be able to to do that. That's literally what free speech is. And if people don't like it there's an easy solution: Leave
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    @12bitfloat Theft should definitely be punished, idiot. France is giving away our public services and giving bosses gifts the size of my cock. That's real theft, not the punk stealing some shit from walmart. You want theft? Speak to the CEOs who are firing people and keeping salary low while making record profits.

    And you would understand that if you didn't have a submissive mindset. Now bend over baby daddy needs its relief.
  • 0
    @12bitfloat "Lefties are for more government control even though they claim it's systemically racist and corrupt. They hate cops but want people thrown in jail over tweets."

    They are not the same people, idiot.
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