
I blame developers for Windows epidemic. If no one develop for windows, there will be no software for that shit, and there for, there will be no user for that shit.

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    But unfortunately many are financially dependent on selling their software, and ignoring the largest market would be dumb.

    If developers would make more efforts to support all systems it would be already great though. And no, I don't mean just games. There are many devices ranging from smartphones to HDMI capture cards where the software isn't able to run on Linux, Wine or not.
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    @deadlyRants thats the worst reason.
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    People use windows because of Microsoft office suite. Corporations use windows because of office suite. Its like a corporate religion. If this ever dies then windows would die. Word is a terrible piece of software, as is Powerpoint and outlook, but it will continue, like religion, as young minds are conditioned at primary school that this is what everyone uses and therefore we must follow suite.
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    If people would stop trying to justify the existence of desktop c++ programs in 2018, we would have linux apps too.
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    Why should they?

    Because some people on the internet have developed religious feelings for a piece of software?
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    @helloworld what's wrong with Word, Excel, and PowerPoint?
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    @DuckyMcDuckFace Word tends to break with long documents, PowerPoint is not that bad but I've seen some stupid bugs, and Excel is fucking inconsistent between different languages. If you open a file from a german Excel in the english version everything falls apart because the syntax & punctuation is a bit different. Utterly stupid.
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    @CWins Because it would bring the world a lot if 80 percent of the world switched to open standards.
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    Using windows does not prevent users from using open formats. I can delete my windows partition and still access my data. Zero lock in. There are enough multiplattform programs available and even proprietary applications that support open formats.

    Windows can't force users into locking themselves in. It's a decision.
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    @CWins Well what about windows itself? It's not open so how can one innovate with that OS itself?
  • 1
    Interesting though.
    What kind of innovation do you expect from the average user?
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