
What if we fed all rants and comments on devRant to a neural network trained to write rants and comments on others?

  • 5
    It would quickly become incredibly rude and spiteful.
    Not to mention sarcastic.

    Basically a teen in their rebellious peak...
  • 1
    It would hate on it's own existing reason. It's programming language.
    Maybe even about it's parents (developer) 😁
  • 0
    @Nanos hehe, that's probably how StackOverflow started out. Today it's a giant managed by admins, community managers, meta channels, you name it. And questions get downvoted really quickly. Maybe we should do some big data analysis on StackOverflow to automate Q-A matching or generating? ;)
  • 2
    What if I tell you that you are the only human using this app?
  • 0
    @eeee I did just have a great idea. Answer questions on SO but be a complete dick to the OP (like ranting with the answer).

    I have a feeling you'd get some interesting responses
  • 0
    @DucksCanCode e.g. give answers like so:

    Omg what a stupid question, just do {answer}! *facepalm*
  • 1
    @cyanly did you just assume my humanity?
  • 0
    @eeee I'm thinking more @AlexDeLarge rant style
  • 0
    this is the best idea i read her so far
  • 0
    what if we fed it all to an AI designed to fix all technology so that it isn't crap?
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