
every time my brain's functionality perks up even a little bit and I regain some functionality I used to have I literally end up insatiably spiraling through the new abilities and God complex all over the place

if you were a god, what kind of god would you be?

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    I think I would be kinda god as described in the bible. With a certain set of rules. Life's complex with some guidance in your life. You need rules to play with. Everyone often cheats and breaks some rule but god forgives. The cheating is part of the game.

    Without rules you end up with blue hair caring about stuff that doesn't matter. You'll be screaming that the Palestinian or Jews have to die without knowing any of them and are thousands kilometers away from it happening. Pure by not having a context of yourself. Not your "own world.". If you had some more rules and structure in your life, people wouldn't be so fucked up.
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    A god which doesn‘t let people suffer through the horrors of javascript.

    But seriously, this question is kind of meaningless because the concept of a god is self contradictory in many ways.

    I can‘t think about what god I would be like because something like a god can‘t logically exist.

    Just to name a few problems:

    If a god creates everything, what creates god?

    If a god is omnipotent, why does he need or want his creations to believe in him?

    How does free will work? If the creations are supposed to have free will, then they are also free to not believe in god or if they do, choose to not obey his rules. But if they disobey, they are punished and that‘s not very free, isn‘t it?
    This just doesn’t make any sense.
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    A nice one but mysterious lol
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    @Lensflare even Stephen Hawking acknowledged God in the end like many smart people. But you're young, there's much time to spiritually develop and stop being a robot :D Look around you how perfect everything makes sense and not sense at the same time. Look at you perfect body with two arms, ten fingers everything in a convenient length / size. If you think this is by coincidence by a big bang or smth, that's really crazy. Crazier than the god concept.
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    I think I've already been one.


    I listened more to the character on the right, than that on the left.
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    @jestdotty Yup.

    Enjoyed both of them, including the expansions.
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    @retoor I‘m not young :)
    Getting rid of god is the intellectual maturity, not the other way around.
    Don‘t even try to convince me to believe in god. I am the guy who convinces others to stop believing in god.
    But I don‘t want to argue with you, let‘s keep it this way :)
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    @Lensflare yeah, Stephen Hawking was intellectual quite immature :P But OK, lets leave it :)

    Btw! AI classified your comment as profanity I saw in logs, I don't :P
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    @retoor lol 😂

    That‘s quite profane of the AI to classify this as profanity!
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    @Lensflare I have no idea what is wrong about that text.

    Once, I was young, believed in nothing else than 'what is logic' to me just like you :) But then i saw dem light and realized that I was underdeveloped at a certain area. Something that makes you think pas logic for reasoning what made the world quite more magic. It's also hard to accept things if you consider everything logic. Nothing is just is how it is. I once believed that I could influence everything and if something fails it always had to do with me. Now I consider external factors too, nothing to do with me :) Way relaxter way of living. This way of thinking can even happen to you one day, there was no bigger atheist than me. I've read the children bible freewilling on school as a kid. Directly, I was like "fun book, but fiction". I still think about the bible that way. I kinda discovered religion myself. Religion is not something we discussed at home. Never talked about it. By now it's forbidden for reasons :P
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    I'd assume sudo privileges to the server running the multiverse, and then hack the multiverse running that server until I reached the end and then I think I'd float around a bit. Learn everything. Witness everything. And then maybe interact with people. Might be fun to terrify the local yobs if they tried anything. Maybe create a few fun concept pieces and prototypes. Hopefully wouldn't create any life. Transcend existence then get bored and delete myself. Might keep the servers running
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