
the result was unexpected

  • 1
    Shit that never happened
  • 2
    I think the troubleshooter is at least helpfull in identifying problems... but actually fixing them ? RNJesus must love you !
  • 2
    I laughed too much over this...
  • 18
    "Checking for network connection issues..."
    "There's an issue with your connection."

    Ya. Don't. Fuckin. Say.
  • 2
    On which century did this happen? Is it in this life or the afterlife .... I never bother using troubleshooter of MS as it it never fixes anything
  • 4
    Yeah, it's pretty convenient , when the troubleshooter can switch off then back on the network adapter... Like - that's what I would do... 😂
  • 2
  • 3
    The only thing it has ever solved is network connection issues. Basically it does a 'have you tried turning it off and on again?' on itself, which is exactly what I'd have done next. And why FFS did you need to lose the connection in the first place? Why can't we just configure an adapter like so: while no internet, turn off and on with some reasonable pause before retrying.

    Oh wait, I once had an non network issue and the problem solver offered to look for the problem and for a solution and it found it. I never felt so amazed about Windows.
  • 2
    @vexusia This is the graphical version of "keyboard not found. Please, press F1 to continue"
  • 0
    It tooks 15 years only to get good at its job 😅
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