Do you have a favorite IDE?

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    Visual studios :)
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    PhpStorm at work
    Visual Studio Code for smaller things/different languages
    vim for C/Go/Rust/Perl development
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    Codeaux. Especially the bleeding edge beta insider's. Highly recommend it.
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    Atom. Used VSCode but I just could not click with it.
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    I just bought jetbrains pack because jetbrains is love jetbrains is life.
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    I've been working with guys who all claim that IntelliJ IDEA is the secret to life
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    Intellij hands down.
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    Everything from jetbrains :)
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    It's not technically an ide but, VS Code in my ♥️
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    I use VSCode for everything except Java and R, but with a lot of own extensions.
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    Currently vsCode insiders... once I disabled the baked in formatter, (it has some weird behaviours) and dropped a bunch of language plugins in it replaced Atom overnight for me.
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    NetBeans ❤
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    Android Studio one love 💚
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    @snaz why are you talking about webapps?
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    *runs away*
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    There are a lot of comments on VSCode vs Atom. Currently I am an Atom User. Will moving to VSCode really make my life better?
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    Geany. It’s super lightweight as an IDE, but does have a few IDE features... I prefer to think of it as a well endowed editor, though. Or just nano for quick and simple edits.
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    Visual Studio for everything except PHP

    JetBrains PHPStorm for... take a guess
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    VS Code FTW! It just does what it needs to do well.
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    @chandakv for me it did, but your workflow can be different from mine.
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    I went from atom to vsCode and it has made a significant difference.

    - Load up time is a lot better in vsCode
    - Plugins and language support seems easier to find (atleast for the ones I use)
    - Built in terminal docked at bottom of screen is a lot smoother to use then the atom plugin ones.
    - Git integration is 100% better in vsCode and built in rather then needing external plugins
    - syntax checking is done project wide rather then active file, this actually saved me from breaking a release when I changed over.
    - oh and did I mention the load times?

    As for atom, I think it has better theme options but I can forgive vsCode for that as it is making all the difference in the other areas.
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    Nvim for everything.
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    @AngryApe have they finally implemented context-sensitive code completion or does it still just dump all symbols it has found in the whole project into each popup list regardless of where it pops up?
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