
been trying to figure out why I can't eat paprika for ages

so turns out there's something called ethoxyquin in it

> quinoline-based antioxidant used as a food preservative
> Ethoxyquin was initially registered as a pesticide in 1965
??? concerning....

> food additive to use only in the spices chili powder, paprika, and ground chili.
... they feed it to salmon and chickens also...

FDA is like, "it's fine", the swiss decided to test fish that ate this stuff:
> loss of weight, changes in liver, kidney, alimentary duct, urinary bladder and mitochondria, anemia, lethargy, discolored urine, skin, or fur, increase in mortality, detrimental effect on immunity, condition factor of final body weight in relation to body length of fish and inducement of allergies (contact exposure)
the europeans:
> found one of its metabolites, ethoxyquin quinone imine, to be possibly genotoxic, and p-phenetidine, an impurity that could be present from the manufacturing process, to be possibly mutagenic

i rather my food was edible for at least a limited amount of time, instead of inedible at all times

I hate being sick. Everything I eat I feel, because everything you can eat is literally poison and I'm "sick enough" that I can feel it so drive myself fucking crazy. I have 2 other paprikas, one doesn't list this as an ingredient and the other has no ingredients list, so I guess let's see if I can actually eat paprika or am going to keep giving myself, I guess, organ damage and possibly cancer

remember kids, some places are banning charcoal because it could cause cancer. Those same places are feeding this to animals and putting them in spices though

stalin was right. You should be paranoid what you're being fed. And starve to death. At least you'll be able to think for a while

  • 4
    What do you mean by paprikas that list their ingredienrs? Isn't the below a complete list of ingredients:
    - paprika

  • 2
    Also, I might be thinking of another person, but isn't it you who lives in the fields of corn, surrounded by zuccini? If so - why not grow other veggies too? Paprikas, pumpkins, basil, potatoes, tomatoes, cukes, etc.? And can the excess for the winter? I mean, I do. Quite some work, but the taste is pristine and you know exactly what you eat
  • 2
    I knew it was you
  • 2
    @netikras ye I figured it would just be paprika but evidently not

    and no I don't live in a field of corn, that's awesomeest. I live in Canada in an apartment in a big city. I do want land but I can't afford it

    I was having hit or miss with chili as well, so I don't know if they always write this thing in on the ingredients list

    paprika is really mild honestly just I had a craving for eggs and they go better with paprika. lost brain function for over a day because of it. thanks
  • 2
    for real though, all jokes aside… who poisoned you? when did it happen? what was the poison?
  • 1
    @netikras that's @awesomeest. She has almost same avatar. Btw, I'm looking for her. I want to collaborate with her. She invited me for that and I'll accept.
  • 1
    @jestdotty my apologies. For some reason I mix you two up all the time. Idk why.. Maybe @retoor is on the right track.

    Ffs, how fucked the food is that they list all the chemicals used to grow veggies as ingredients...?
  • 0
    @jestdotty my god
    I’m sorry that it happened to you
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