
About to delete ~2TB of data.

I need a fresh start. I'm a data hoarder.

About to wipe my drives and start over. I've had this piticular instance since I was 17 (I'm 21)

I'm sticking with windows though, because my games wont run on linux.

  • 3
    See I'm the opposite. I'm storage concious asf. (This stems from my first two devices having really low storage.) I clean up and out every 6 months or so. I bought an external HDD and I store my old shit on it.
  • 4
    What do you people store?
  • 17

    The internet.
  • 12

    All the things.
  • 5
    @Condor @IllSlapU I've backed up ~20GB of installers and game saves and other data before the wipe. Along with photos and such.
  • 8
    But but but... What if you delete something you need in the distant future? 🤣 Ok sorry about that.
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  • 4
    Atm I have to type "google.com" before any search I do because of malware xD
  • 4
    Ohh gee... It has to update before I can do this xD
  • 5
    two months ago my good ol' hard drives did that for me :'( 3 of my hard drives hooked to my computer died one after another without any error or early signs.

    I'm talking about my data, the backup of my data and the backup of backup of my data. Gawddammit madaffkakigjmdilfnmqÄŸdqkda#$>!?#£
  • 6
    2TB? *gulp*
    I got a NAS + some large HDDs for offline storage.


    Is hoarding applied to data as well?
  • 6
    And I am here with My 20TB... And soon getting more room
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    @Condor yeah sure m8, I "believe" ya 😉 😉 😉 😉 😉 😉
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    Already customizing the new install.
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    @Condor whatever you say, pal 😉 😉 😉 😉 😉
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    I got 1TB of free cloud storage, but only use 3GB of it... What do you fill your storage with? Garbage?
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    @localjoost T****IP stack? (I work for a competitor, don't want to name them fully ;P
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    @linuxxx yeah, half of the Dutchies use it these days 😜
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    @localjoost I have it too haha :P
  • 3
    64TB here, over half of it 4K recordings, both screencasts and real life recordings (my girlfriend does a lot of streaming and gaming walkthroughs).

    A few TB of database backups. 10TB of ripped movies & series from DVD boxes. And then a few TB of images of all the computer installs I've had since the first.
  • 2

    I would love a link to your girlfriend's channel if you don't mind. ^~^
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