
Happy new year Ragnar, doing such an amazing job that AI would be a down grade in any way. Two false positives since existance and rarely one slips trough. People do actually call @ragnar if smth slips trough. Makes me happy and surprised how much people did read the few times I mentioned that feature. Says a lot about activity regarding readers in the community.

The spammers didn't celebrate new years it seems. Hard workii workii. Also happy new year.

Buffon, especially happy new year to you. You owe me two days of work for your shit. At least happy to know that the spam king at least is a real dev.

I hope this will be a good year for devrant. There's no reason that it wouldn't. We're te coolest independent single subject reddit thread on the internet.

  • 1
    Here's to you, Ragnar.


    * Drinks ale from curved horn. *
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