  • 10
    I only use npm
  • 3
    Webpack with TONS of config and plugins...
  • 1
  • 16
    I remember coding before jquery and I'm turning 25 monday. I must be the youngest old-timer javascript coder around
  • 6
    i miss that period :(
  • 3
    if you want to see hell, check out the node_modules folder
  • 1
    @liberaldog yep! I was wondering why is my app taking up so much space. lol.
  • 1
    @nikkicoleer might I ask why you downloaded this app if you aren't an active programmer?
  • 8
    @liberaldog could i ask why you downloaded this app if you have more of a stack overflow attitude
  • 2
    guys, shhh, look at my cat http://i.imgur.com/kf6P37k.jpg
  • 1
    @jckimble hi, I'm 22 years old ^_^
  • 1
    @jckimble 21 here 😋 I feel you! Damn the jQuery obsession is horrible.. it's so bulky
  • 0
    When I started getting into front-end stuff especially, this was really overwhelming.
  • 6
    I rly wish jQuery could be modularized more. It has some good features, but it also has sooo much crap I never need.

    also fuck bootstrap for relying on jquery in it's 4.x version.
  • 1
    @jckimble sorry, I remember too and I'm turning 24 in September
  • 1
    As a whole this 'npm/nvm/bower/pip/whatever' fad is a huge problem as far as I'm concerned. It's creating a generation of "devs" that think it's ok to use those tools everywhere, even on production machines. If you think having gcc, make, autotools, development libs installed on live servers you need to re-evaluate some of your life choices.
  • 1
    @gargltk web devs live in an entirely different world than native devs though. In my opinion it's best to create builds on local/dev then upload to prod, but my manager is a fan of building on production to have git history there. Most of our codebase is php, where it doesnt matter, but fuck me I hate building SPA on production. Bad practice as far as I'm concerned, but he's the boss so eh.
  • 4
    I remember when jQuery didn't exist and I used Javascript to create animation really slow and heavy, using setTimeout and changing the css to each call lol and websites made with tables. Omg who remembers websites made with tables?
  • 1
    @crisz that was my weekly rant! :p
  • 3
    @yusijs I found it. This had to be my weekly rant too, but I changed it to not be redundant. I remember that I had to use paint to draw 4 rounded angles, then I set them as background in each corner td. Now all this is disappeared
  • 1
    @crisz border-style: dashed; was the shit yo!
  • 2
    @wildgoosecsharp I wasn't trying to be an asshole but I was truly wondering why
  • 0
    @nikkicoleer in that case, you'll do yourself a huge favor to get familiar with the Linux environment. VB is fine I guess, but not entirely relevant anymore.
  • 2
    I remember when ajax was known as remote scripting and required an java applet for server channel, when you had to use an iframe hack to prevent select boxes from shining through your popups in ie6 and when ie6 was the best browser ever (when the closest competition was netscape 4.72). I do not long back, things was not always better before ;)
  • 0
    @Voxera don't remind me. set an iframe id and use the id to get the content within the iframe. it almost makes me cry
  • 1
    Netscapes fixed dom :p windows.all ...
  • 0
    I'm just enjoying how well travelled this Family Guy reference is :p
  • 0
    @jckimble 20! Also used to make them in tables!
  • 0
    Gonna show it to my 'hipster' JS friend xD
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