Made a github.io portfolio website. Showed it to my friend. Asshole copied the whole code from the repo and made one for himself. Didn't even bother to fork the repo or even change the contents of the website. Just removed my name and photo and added his! 😡😡

  • 8
    Daaaaaaam!! That sucks!
  • 36
    That don’t sound like friend lol
  • 44
    Tell that fucker that you have updated your theme and that he/she can copy the new one.
    Add code in your theme to pull and display various images of dicks at random intervals unless you know which line to comment out.
    Disguise that code as something innocent.
    Enjoy your revenge.
  • 18
    Report him! Or write Github support, that's even better
  • 12
    DMCA exists my dude
  • 6
    Time for some website defacing.
    Check the URL using JS and play earrape if it's his.
  • 7
  • 6
    @RememberMe I vote for this revenge. This sweet sweet revenge.
  • 2
    Share the link
  • 4
    I would tell that fucking idiot that he infringes your copyright and that you are going to sue him, if he does not delete everything that was stolen from your repo within 3 days.
    "Fair use" does not apply to what that fuckpiece did (removing all references to you and probable abuse of your code).

    Friendship terminated.
  • 3
    That's how Apple stole the UI technology to Xerox. Don't be like Xerox.
  • 4
    You're Zuckerberging me?
  • 1
    @RememberMe Damm that's a good idea!
  • 2
    @PonySlaystation I don't want to go into legal stuff. Right now I'm trying to get him to give me credit on his website. Maybe also I'll do what @RememberMe suggested 😉
  • 4
    @Ratz7320 Oki, just tell him that he is a fuckpiece and he should fucking credit you like a real man 😉
  • 0
    Welcome to what people that are new to open source fear.
  • 1
    Redesign yours to be better. And he is a dick. Cut him off.
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