
First rule of Apple beta software: do not talk about Apple beta software.

It doesn’t matter, that there’s PUBLIC beta. You cannot talk about it, cause you violate some idiotic NDA. And then, we get software that looks and works like everyone sees now.

Eat shit, Apple. And all of your fanboys.

  • 9
    I think people who use Apple (or any other brand religiously) would buy a gift wrapped shit from that particular brand and call it the newest/bestest/coolest thing ever. Unfortunately Apple didn't invent fanboyism, they just perfected it, one of their true innovations.
  • 7
    Nuff said
  • 1
    @securiter i used to be a huge Apple fan, like until 3 years ago i believe. I ran iOS 6.1.3 for multiple years, even when iOS 9 was out. Didnt like the new looks.
    Now im a happy android user. Kinda. Huawei has their downsides.
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