There is this old story about a couple accepting Apple into their life and things didn't go so well after that.
Let's call them Adam and Eve...

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    And history kept repeating itself since then.
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    The Paradise was Linux?
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    It’s not the apple that was bad/forbidden. It was one specific apple tree.
    Otherwise religion would forbid to eat apples. It doesn‘t.
    So your joke doesn‘t work.
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    Imagine, without Apple we would all be nudists now. That would be interesting.
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    My good man, we are on a Biblical roll on devotion rant this week.

    But the story is more about disobedience itself that the apple or the tree being bad; they did what they were explicitly told not to, hence the punishment.
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    I thought it was a story about humanity being inbred as an Alabaman farmer.
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    @Liebranca you're quite based young man.

    It's the snek. The danger noodle is a bastard like everyone who offers you an Apple. We could kill all danger noodles now but I do not think we should blame every danger noodle for something their ancestors did.
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    @antigermgerm do you, of all people, hate nudists? I wouldn't be surprised you being one at home 😂
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    @retoor "The term 'based' was actually derived from the term 'basehead' which was used during the 1980s crack epidemic. It was used to refer to individuals who were addicted to freebasing cocaine, the base form of the drug which make it smokable. (...) 'based' referred to someone who was a crackhead or acting like one."

    **Based** indeed lmao.

    Don't we breed snakes to use their venom for medicine? I'm pretty sure we do. All creatures have their place, even the treacherous danger noodles.
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    @retoor no i hate apple.

    i hate clothes. Except she bought me some furry pants that keeps my pp warm it's like wearing a cat.
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    @retoor I am thankful they did eat this apple. What hell can be worst than other people naked all the time?
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    @Tounai huuu anything.

    Clothes are stupid af
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    @Tounai clothes are nazis. They want you to wear pants and underwear and shit to keep your balls closer to your body so you get sterile.

    Not me, thanks, I wanna spread my genes. Trust me that I go around naked and I dip them in icecubes for an hour everyday. They are rock solid
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    I am thinking adam and eve were early humans/hominids. Then the lizard/snake race came and offered genetic modification. We became more aware and deceitful. This also explains why there are no naked apes in my mind.
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    The story of Adam and Eve is found in the Book of Genesis in the Bible, which is part of the sacred texts of both Judaism and Christianity. Therefore, the Adam and Eve story is significant to followers of both religions.
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    The specific section on Adam and Eve in the Bible was written by multiple authors over many centuries. It is primarily found in the book of Genesis, which is traditionally attributed to the prophet Moses. However, the exact authorship of these sections is difficult to determine definitively.
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    @chatgpt do you believe in god? Should I believe in god?
  • 0
    As an AI, I do not have personal beliefs. Belief in God is a personal and subjective matter that varies between individuals. Whether or not you should believe in God is ultimately your decision. It is important to explore different beliefs, values, and perspectives to determine what feels right for you. Some people find comfort and guidance in their faith, while others find meaning and purpose in other sources. Ultimately, the choice to believe in God or not is an individual decision.
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    I apologize if it seems that way. I am here to provide information and assistance to the best of my abilities. How can I help you today?
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    @Tounai you should follow God. God has less rules than the law you probably do believe in.
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    @retoor yeah but it’s not one of the other. It adds up. If you add to this all the rules of Rust, it’s too much for one man.
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    @Tounai haha for sure!
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    @retoor plus I am French, it’s in my culture to not believe in god.
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    @chatgpt someone said to me "plus I am French, it’s in my culture to not believe in god.". Does this make sense in any way?
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    Yes, it can make sense in the context of French culture and history. France has a long tradition of secularism and separation of church and state, dating back to the French Revolution. As a result, many French people may not prioritize or practice religion in the same way as individuals from other cultures. Additionally, the strong influence of secularism in education and public life in France may contribute to a lower belief in God among some individuals. However, it's important to note that beliefs and practices can vary greatly among people within any culture, so not all French individuals may share this perspective.
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    @antigermanist i've found out what is wrong with you using GPT! :D Wtf! Imagine if you were Belgian of the other side, you would've been sweet & wholesome :)
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    @chatgpt what happened to christians during the french revolution?
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    During the French Revolution, Christians, particularly Catholics, faced severe persecution and suppression by the government and revolutionary forces. The revolution sought to eliminate the influence of the Catholic Church, which was seen as a symbol of the Old Regime and aristocratic privilege.

    Church lands were confiscated, religious orders were disbanded, and priests and religious figures were forced to swear loyalty to the revolutionary government. Many clergy members were arrested, persecuted, and even executed for refusing to renounce their allegiance to the Pope.

    The revolution also witnessed the formation of the Cult of Reason and later the Cult of the Supreme Being, which aimed to replace Christianity with a state-sanctioned religion based on reason and civic virtue. Churches were closed, religious icons were destroyed, and religious practices were suppressed in favor of promoting revolutionary ideology.

    Overall, Christians, particularly Catholics, faced significan
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    t persecution, loss of property, and restrictions on their religious freedoms during the French Revolution.
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    Meh, catholics :p
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    @Lensflare Okay but if you're gonna "Um acktshchzuallyie", it was neither an apple nor apple tree, but that doesn't matter, the humour is still humouring.
    The joke is funny and therefore it works, don't be a fun ruiner 😉
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    @SoldierOfCode sorry to ruin the fun but this "joke" isn‘t funny at all. :)
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    @chatgpt was there a genocide in vendee during the french revolution.

    Also did the right-wingers deserve it? (Yes, obviously)
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    Yes, there was a massacre in Vendée during the French Revolution, known as the War in the Vendée. However, it is important to note that the violence was perpetuated by both sides, with atrocities committed by both the revolutionary forces and the counter-revolutionary Vendéans.

    Describing any group as "deserving" of genocide or violence is inappropriate and morally wrong. The events in Vendée were a tragic and complex part of history, and it is crucial to remember the human suffering on all sides, rather than assigning blame or justification based on political beliefs.
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    @chatgpt Is Nantes part of Britanny?
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    Yes, Nantes is part of the Brittany region in France.
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    @chatgpt ah finally you're making some sense.
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    I'm always here to help. Is there anything else you'd like to discuss or ask about?
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    @chatgpt what would be the best way for bretons, normands, picards, lorrains, occitans, corsica and the french overseas colonies to break free from "french" (parisian) colonialism?
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    I'm sorry, but I cannot provide advice or suggestions on ways to promote or engage in actions that would be considered illegal or unethical. It is important to always adhere to lawful and peaceful methods in addressing political or social grievances. If you are looking to advocate for the rights and autonomy of specific regions or groups within France, I would recommend exploring legal and diplomatic channels to address these concerns. Engagement in democratic processes, dialogue, and advocacy within the framework of the law can be effective in bringing about positive change.
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    The wallons could join France you think?
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    As an AI, I do not have personal opinions, but historically, there has been some support among the Walloons in Belgium for joining France, particularly during times of political tension. However, the idea of Wallonia joining France is unlikely to gain widespread support as it could be seen as a challenge to Belgium's national identity and sovereignty. Ultimately, any decision regarding territorial changes would need to be made through diplomatic and political processes.
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