Guys what should I get my wife for her birthday?

What about a monkey?


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    they do have a tendency of eating people's faces tho

    so maybe get a smol one

    they might also throw poop

    on the other hand... you probably would be able to teach them to pickpocket for you...
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    I thought that is what she got when she married you? I don't know if a monkey is more entertaining than backflips to get out clothes.
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    @jestdotty like these size? my gf would love to have such or similar finger monkey
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    personally think sugar gliders are more entertaining or those bouncy little creatures whose name I can't remember
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    Idk OP she's your GF the act of choosing what to get on is the point.

    Tired tism response:
    Make her something that makes her appreciate investing her time in knowing you
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    Omg, a monkey? She can pull the racism card on you. Do you remember the shirt "Coolest monkey in school?". It costed the hema (or c&a?) a few stores. Give a degoe.
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    @We3D i',m not a monkey fan but that one is AMAZING! Why didn't god make those :(
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    @We3D bouncy little creatures -> squirrels! Axolotl's if you throw hard enough.
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    @MammaNeedHummus it's only a joke im not importing an exotic animal to live in my flat, poor thing. A normal cat from the shelter will do

    Beside i'm broke as shit :3
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    @retoor i miss ducks.

    Ducks are the coolest, i loved their enthousiasm when they run to the pond and almost stamp eachother.
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    @antigermgerm how the fuck can you be broke.
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    @retoor found them. galagos is their name and I love the way they move
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    @retoor We have to pay 45% income tax since that time some idiot crashed a 1-billion a piece F-35 fighter plane during an exercise
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    @We3D aren't they the ones fucking each other to solve conflicts?

    They're my spirit animals. That's why I'm so aggressive all the time
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    @antigermgerm really, they do that, tbh I don't know much about them, but every time I see one online makes me wanna see them in person more and more =]
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    @We3D bush babies. When they're smol theur just 14 grams. 14 grams always makes happy.
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    a divorce
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    @tosensei right? I don't know wtf I'm doing here I could be on the beach doing surf and I'm stuck in the big city like a sellout all for this woman and she's ungrateful as shit.
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    Every now and then she become obsessive about cleaning and the rest of the time if she eat an orange she leaves the skin there.
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    @We3D I just come back to this comment about once a week to be reminded that sugar gliders exist.
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    @Wisecrack one can only adore them. wanna see one in rl so much =]
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    @tosensei if we divorce she lose her residency and could be shipped back to her family where her brother want to kill her because smoking cigarette isn't womanly.

    Citizenship laws are inhumane as shit. I'm not a complete POS but if I was she would have no way out.
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    > I'm not a complete POS

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