
I have made an interactive talking AI but it's not open source. It contains passwords/keys and tasks that are personal. But, a lot was learned while the code is nearly nothing. I spend many hours on research and didn't want to let it go to waste.

If you are interested in TTS / STT, this will be a nice resource: https://molodetz.nl/retoor/...

Side note: the builtin webkit TTS/STT engine is maybe even better and has a great API! Amazed by the quality of that thing.

This is python research. I hope that I can motivate someone but devRant is always empty on Saturday.

If someone needs help with an implementation regarding this, you know where to find me.

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    For people that don't want to suffer, i made a library with just two commands: tts and stt. It works with google, but you don't need to enter a key anywhere! How fantastic is that? It sucks. Try, and you'll find out why. I have no idea how they've build it.

    Here it is with mini docs: https://molodetz.nl/retoor/rspeech

    There are quite a few options, see the function parameters. Default, it's dutch and female. If you want English you can give both functions language="en-US" parameter.
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    Thanks :D

    Doing bookkeeping this weekend but will look at it soon™️
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    @BordedDev cool, I hope you do. Just fixed a few bugs in it. It's very well tested because I use it 24/7.
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    @retoor Rocket's been dead for while :(
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    @BordedDev don't worry, I'm working on one and it goes fine. The first moment that you can register, login and chat I will deploy it. I also started irc on molodetz but decided it's too simple old fashioned, even for me. Normally I love terminal stuff but when it comes to chat - I want to share pictures with thumbnails site previews (site preview tech is done, what a work, wasted too much on that). Issue was a bit to get it working on alpine. It required some system packages. Playwright or selenium was also option but too heavy in my eyes for the app I want to make. But soon we'll be talking again 😁 And yes, after image sharing, I will implement notifications. Target is to make it installable, just like molodetz. It must also work great on phone and feel as decent as a native phone app. Sadly, frontend is not my strongest suite. But my sudoku widget felt decent with having the normal pointer instead of a cursor hovering the digits right? Not selectable div tiles.
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