
The data at the bottom are statistics regarding my key presses. It's literally every key pressed on this laptop since 2024-12-08. Since that date I entered a total of unique 925450 unique inputs. I did 4751951 keyboard inputs.

I know from 595 hours exactly what i've done for tasks (described by LLM based on my keylog data).

I type 107 lines per hour on average (return presses) based on 595 hours. With that logic, i did around 63925 lines.

I'm not very happy with the statistics, especially not because backspace is a hardcore first. Now, while i'm typing i'm focusing on how much I use it and it's not a lot at all.

But the thing is, if you remove abcdef, you have one a, one b, but six times back space. And these are real presses - not keyboard repeats. Also abcdef will be counted by the tag counter as a whole. Everything is a tag until it sees a new line or a white space or some punct.

Funny is that there are completely different keys on the list than I expected. You're so you used to those keys that you don't even notice using them.

I'm almost considering to add a sound under the backspace button to teach myself WHEN i use it and try to avoid it.

The key logger database is now 346Mb. Some overhead because every keypress takes around 40 chars of description (timestamp, press type, char, input device).

Creating statistics for the tags (unique words typed) takes several minutes. Already rewriting that part to C. The stats are made by python, the key logs with C.

I'm just shocked, I used 144644 times a key that I think not to use that much? :P How retoorded can you be. Imagine if i actually fixed typo's :P

But based on these keys you can see that i'm mainly working in terminal / vim. The 'i' for insert for example, typed so many times. The 'x' for save+quit. The '0' to go to beginning of line.

Did you expect that these buttons would've been the most used?

#0 BACKSPACE is pressed 144644 times (15.63% of total input)
#1 UP is pressed 92711 times (10.02% of total input)
#2 LEFT_SHIFT is pressed 73777 times (7.97% of total input)
#3 ENTER is pressed 63883 times (6.9% of total input)
#4 DOWN is pressed 56838 times (6.14% of total input)
#5 TAB is pressed 43635 times (4.72% of total input)
#6 RIGHT is pressed 37710 times (4.07% of total input)
#7 SPACE is pressed 34438 times (3.72% of total input)
#8 LEFT is pressed 26800 times (2.9% of total input)
#9 LEFT_CTRL is pressed 25402 times (2.74% of total input)
#10 LEFT_ALT is pressed 17289 times (1.87% of total input)
#11 I is pressed 12856 times (1.39% of total input)
#12 X is pressed 6106 times (0.66% of total input)
#13 A is pressed 5163 times (0.56% of total input)
#14 0 is pressed 4487 times (0.48% of total input)
#15 PAGEDOWN is pressed 4151 times (0.45% of total input)

  • 1
    i, x and a.
    Those surprise me.
    Probably single letter variable names?
  • 2
    I was expecting tab to be higher ;P

    Are you a multi-line user? (for me the shortcut is ctrl+alt+shift, the direction key or mouse clicks)

    I'm sure my del/space key is in similar state as your backspace. But I just noticed I use it to remove spaces at the end of sentences.

    Are you a ctrl(+space) text navigator?
  • 3
    @Lensflare the i, is insert @ vim. The x is close @ vim and deleting a char @ vim. The a is for anal. Nah, the a is for me a mystery too tbh. There are no single chars in this list. That's why the special characters win.
  • 1
    @BordedDev no, i do not use ctrl+space a lot anymore since I have AI in my VIM that does great auto completion so i do more * tab tab tab*. But maybe, I seem not to be aware at all what shortcuts I use. With multi line user, do you mean multi pointer or column mode? But also, the page up and page down. I think there are people who do not touch that thing ten times a year :P
  • 0
    @retoor I think it's column mode, Google didn't help with my checking, but essentially, I can drag my cursor to select a square of characters (the only time I'd actively use the mouse during refactoring)

    Also, I meant ctrl+shift (highlights whole words)

    I'm trying a small keyboard and have remapped pg up and pg down to home and end (I miss the numpad though, cidoo v65)
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