I work with idiots.

That is all.

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    Is this an advertisement or statement of fact?
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    A hubby calls his blonde wife:

    - honey, are you still driving home? On the news they said that in one street nearby there's some idiot driver going against the traffic. Be careful!

    - hey! Yeah, I'm close already. An idiot driver? Riight.. They are ALL going against the traffic. Idiots...
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    I strife to be the idiot in my team.
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    @netikras my dad made that joke when i was 10.
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    @antigermgerm same here 😂
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    @antigermgerm are you asking for an explanation or are you good? I see your avatar is blonde so I don't want to assume.
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    @antigermgerm I read it in a newspaper ~20 years ago. It stuck with me all this time as it's got a good point
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    It seems like no one is working with humans 🤣
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    @netikras you want a good joke?

    It's the story of an irish guy who arrived in early century new york and he enters a bar. Nobody knows him, so everybody keeps silent. So he slowly, calmly goes to the bar, and he orders a wiskey.

    But unknowingly to almost everybody, he let a little drop of wiskey falls into the floor. Then, even more peculiarly, as in a fait-expres, a grey little mouse sneaks out of a hole out the counter, runs and licks the precious beverage.

    Anyway the guy starts to chat with the barmaid, starts to explain that he comes from the west part of county cork but had to leave because two of his brothers died already of starvation, and the goddamn brit rules were slaughtering people so he bailed, right, coz he knew about the o'donagall from back when he was studying in tiperarry, mechanical school. He keeps mingling with people, met the o'goolie from west ulter, the cousins of good'ol shieban from down county.

    So he keeps ordering wiskeys for everybody.
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    @netikras and everytime he orders a wiskey, he lets a little drop of wiskey falls to the floow, and a little grey mouse comes and licks the wiskey.

    So he ends up quite pissed, of course, chatting with his new mates and all so after last call he walks out barely standing but in an excellent mood, so he starts singing his irish drinking songs right?

    so he starts


    (https://youtube.com/watch/...) for the full song.

    but soon after 2 blocks some guy opens a window and starts screaming "OI I GOTTA WORK TOMORROW YOU GOT THAT SHUT THE FUCK UP"

    but our irish friend screams back


    and then the little grey mouse is like

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    I only tolerate them in their natural habitats... theres a few solid reasons i bought a house in the middle of a corn field.

    Occassionally they are amusing to watch... especially with relatively quite minor interference for research reasons
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    @Demolishun im a great driver... even though im only legally allowed to use 1 hand.
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    Do you believe average humans are above "stupid"?

    If yes, youre just aloof to the fact that youre definitely below that bar. I wish you luck.
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    @kanyewest i apparently shit gold. Yea, totally unfair... last week i wa0s briefly explaining to a friend this pile of odd electrical components they asked about.

    I told them its cuz i gotta set up my new, winter, grow tent and cuz im ill/handicapped/lazy I was trying to find a basic moisture sensor system (already have webcams and made a remote system to change flow etc)... closest tging wasnt rly helpful and was over 350$.

    I went to my chinese component suppliers, got a couple extra arduio nanos, a dozen basic moisture sensors, ripped apart some old ak mistakenly deluvered several yrs agi, wifi dongles and grabbed the amazon tablet my mom added to my tech graveyard from never using it .. loaded linux on it ancam writingba quick system(will be like 2hrs) for under 10& and an old af fire tablet for a simple control panel.

    Days later im somehow being offered a quite high paying job, with subordinates to produce this as a consumer version... im just cheap and lazy ffs
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    @awesomeest I saw a car outfitted for someone with a disability once. I think it made all controls work for hands. I was impressed because I have issues with having working feet sometimes.
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