What does non binary mean?

  • 3
    Not male nor female
  • 4
    What does a screenshot mean?
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    @Lahsen2016 It's the yearly StackOverflow developer survey
  • 9
    It's time to use colorpicker instead of usual male/female radio
  • 0
    @sharktits wow
  • 3
    @1989 imo if you're not developing medical system, you may not need to require gender at all
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    @Lahsen2016 yeah. Thats true. I dont know what they want to tell.
  • 5
    If you mean biology, non-binary genders don't exist. If you mean computer science, non-binary refers to either analogue or quantum computing systems.
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    It's like q-bits its 0 or 1 or none or both.
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    @iKameo The general bidea is that sex is genitals and gender is what you feel like.

    Not gonna disclose my opinion on it, but you should at least be informed that you're right, but using the wrong word.
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    MoFoO - Male/Female/Other and get it done with.

    Also, i dont know about this form but in my experience the vast majority of these types of input fields are optional.
    So non binary people should go with null (just dont fill it out), which will probably get interpred as false/0 but it depends on the parser.
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  • 1
    Quantum gender
  • 2
    It's a mental disorder
  • 3
    It's something made up by crazy people.
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