Basically my life:
1. Work
2. Game
3. Work on a project nobody will ever use
4. Food
5. Make offensive jokes about WW2

  • 23
    Offensive WW2 jokes?

    That caught me off guard, Anne Frankly it makes me uncomfortable.
  • 3
    Is the order important?
  • 5
    here for the jokes, deliver OP
  • 5
    Are you german? My mate taught my daughter to do the nazi salute and faking a moustache when she was 6. He was black and german. He thought it was hilarious. I laughed both coz it was funny but also becaise i was uncomfortable!
  • 3
    Here's a bad one.

    Um Himmlers willen, wie schrecklich!
    Eigentlich kommt hier ein Witz hin, aber jemand Stalingrad. Hat der nicht mehr alle Haken am Kreuz?
  • 1
    @PrivateGER Can we get a translation? Lol
  • 3
    @jhh2450 Can't really translate that :/
    The whole joke is gone then.
  • 4
  • 4
    hm... think is, I can't really force a WW2 joke, they often come in the form of puns :^)

    Guess I might have given you false hope... When does the next train leave?
  • 0
    If this makes you happy then you’re doing it right.
  • 4
    All wars are bad jokes.
  • 0
    @azous not all of them, only the best among the worst
  • 0
    You shoul join all of your intrest 2gerther like making a project for game about funny food on ww2
  • 0
    @MastaRyze like spaghetto?
  • 0
    @hubiruchi haha exactly
  • 1
    My favourite WW2 joke was from the British puppet show Mongrels.

    It’s a flashback joke about making noise or some shit.

    But you see a solider and then just hear a dice role, a “Yahtzee!” and an “Ooops!” 🤣
  • 2
    Wow, I did Nazi that last one coming.
  • 5
    @Gerrymandered It's kind of out of Mein Kampfort zone tbh
  • 4
    @jhh2450 how hard do you work to get these puns. You sound pretty concentrated.
  • 3
    @Gerrymandered I sometimes struggle to keep my train of thought on track. Often times I just need a shower to clear my head. 😐
  • 2
    @jhh2450 those showers sound like a good idea! Jew you know if they are better at Nien am or pm?
  • 4
    Dealing with clients is a major pain in mein Auschwitz.
  • 0
    @Brolls ah yes, dealing with clients will always remain mein kampf
  • 0
    the same XD
  • 0
    My life is work, healthy eating, games, searching for new recipes for healthy and low-calorie food. I like the moments when I really lose weight thanks to proper nutrition and activity. But sometimes when you put a lot of energy into it and nothing comes out, it's sad and sometimes leads to me giving up. I recently found Sport Fitness ( https://road-runner-sports.pissedconsumer.com/... ) and am thinking about going to the gym. In the past, when I used to work out in the gym, I lost weight normally and now I hope it will work out too
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