@dfox is it possible to get a toggle for the new location of sharing to Twitter etc, as I find myself accidentally hitting it a lot

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    I second that.
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    Wouldn't want to accidentally let all your Facebook friends know how salty you are! 😰
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    I'm curious, when do you normally accidentally hit it? And did it happen before? Because the new share bar takes up very little additional space compared with the old comment button because the comment button is now shorter. I ask this because in the future this screen will probably be changed around.

    And in general I don't think toggles are the best solution for possible UI issues. If something is getting accidentally hit a lot, I'd like to figure out why/how to improve :)
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    @dfox maybe instead of having thr "share" text over and over, on the bottom left you can just have the three icons? I feel like we as the user already know that if we click the icons its to share it, so why repeat the word?
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    @dfox or put it all on the same line so the add a comment button is like 70% of the div and the share icons are in the right 30%? Just a thought
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    @jdmkaan you would think it would be clear but the fact is we kept getting people asking us to add a way to share rants when we had the share button up top which we thought was obvious too, especially if you were looking for it. So sometimes what seems obvious to some can be missed by others. Hence why we spelled it out, to hopefully make it very clear how to share and not leave any ambiguity.

    I agree it's repetitive, but if it helps everyone be able to find it and we prevent people from missing it, I think it's worth it.
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    @jdmkaan @trogus tried some mocks exactly like that but in the end it didn't look that good.
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    @dfox normally I hit it with my fat fingers when I go to hit the add comment button
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