
You've developed APIs. And they're working locally.
What's the issue in giving that to the front-end team to consume them ?? ( Said in angry raised pitch )

Somebody please let that dumbfu manager know that the codebase needs to be DEPLOYED on a server somewhere. Without that, you just can't magically build code from codebase and give it to people like code fairy !

  • 0
    how about mock services? You know, those wsdl and wadl thingys that are distributed So that the front end team wont wait until the API is deployed. At least they can prepare their ws client modules. Im not sure on how deep the manager wanted it to be used, if he expects the API to do logic, then you’re right and he’s really dumb..
  • 1
    @jinryu I suggested that only, but for some weird reason the frontend guys put the pressure that they want the actual APIs otherwise it is a blocker for them.
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