Me: "Delete this file."
Windows: "Someone is using it."
Me: "Who?"
Windows: "I can't say."
Me: "I checked using a utility. It says your file explorer is the one using it!"
Windows: "Well, I had to show a preview."
Me: "Why?"
Windows: "Because you selected the file to delete it!"

Credit: https://twitter.com/cmuratori/...

  • 45
    sounds dumb. rm -rf / will resolve.
  • 1
    I laughed 😂😂😂
  • 10
    This is why I turn off previews

    Until the next time I get pissed that I can't remember which PDF is which and turn them back on.
  • 2
    I quite often try to close programs in OSX forcefully without success. Theyt
    just sit there on the bar and mock me.
  • 1
    @seraphimsystems ass2.pdf might be different to ass78.pdf but it also might be the same file saved once again at a later date. ass168.pdf seems to be flattened, but not optimized for the correct dpi, so let's re-save ass452-c.psd as ass452-c-optimized.pdf. shit. wrong psd.
  • 2
    @xewl I do have a lot of .PSD files with ass in the name.
  • 0
    Omg I know! I just about threw my mouse across the room because of that
  • 1
    Don’t really use Windows anymore, but that used to piss me off! WHY CAN’T YOU JUST FREAKING DELETE IT! IDC IF A PROGRAM CRASHES YOU MOTHERFUCKER!

    In the same, on GNU/Linux: you want to delete that file? GET THE RPGS AND THE MINIGUNS! WE’RE GOING TO WAR
  • 0
    Not to mention the hoary chestnut, "You need administrator privleges..." FUCK YOU! I *AM* the fucking administrator!

    It's like one of your kids telling you you need a hall pass to stay out past 2100...
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