So, I have my first ever on site interview on Monday for a Mobile Software Developer position.
I’m super excited but also super nervous.
You guys have any tips for not Richard Hendrix-ing the on site interview? šŸ˜‚

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    Someone please explain the joke with Richard Hendrix ? Didn't get it
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    @MeanStreet he’s awkward and messes up his words when in large groups or interviews/dates lol
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    Show confidence . Be honest. Be ready for a new challenge.
    If you respect this you will do just fine.

    Don't over think.. be prepare.

    I have fuck up a few interviews and like @CapnHammered mentioned... its a learning experience.
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    @snap @CapnHammered thanks for the words gentlemen! The first phone screen went really well, so I’m optimistic that this will go just the same.
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