
getting really tired of finding out that anything "popular" has the same damned globalist eugenics pedo cult behind it

either people can't make anything on their own or we are so fucked with everything so controlled you literally can't pop up as an entity unless you sell your soul to the literal unironic bond villains of the world first so they will let you pass through the channels

they even make alternative channels when they've tanked the reputation of their previous channels. and it's by the same damned people again, but they just lay in wait... to become popular. feeding off of the tension, pretending they're not the same entity...until it gets popular and then it becomes the same damned perverted thing via a takeover from within

how do you even escape this stupid prison

anyone of any importance has been bought. you need their cooperation to ride on their fame. so anything that gets any fame is the same damned game, again and again. it's like a creep that won't take no for an answer, comes back with a different mask like some endless remakes of Scooby-doo

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